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Organic Pest Management

Randy Wilson


Here at the Rock, we like to think we are progressive, looking to the future  and that future includes preparing to manage our golf course with less.


Less water, less intensive maintenance, less overall input and more emphasis on coexisting with nature, rather than forcibly subduing the natural world; Rockbottum is not only applying the philosophy of rugged minimalism to golf, we are the trailing edge, the back of the pack.


chet_lester_150.jpgLudella Hogwaller, although less well known than others in this field, has been making a tremendous effort to contribute with her patented Organic Pest Management concept. (P.O.P.M.)


Heres what Chet Lester, the famous Green Whisperer has to say about Ludellas work in the field of POPM:


Momma has gone beyond the current parameters of IPM by reaching into the past to develop friendlier, lower impact methods for controlling pests



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