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Podcast on Career Materials

Matt Leverich


4b2717c5a41da80fdc94b1d237096bcb-.jpgI was recently given the opportunity to sit down for an interview for a podcast on career materials with fellow TurfNet member Randy VanderVaate. Randy is currently the Vice President of Agronomy at Century/Palmer Golf and creates a weekly podcast to provide superintendents with a discussion on varying topics that will help grow their lives and careers to the next level. I've known Randy for years now and he is always trying to help those in the industry and give back where he can, so I was happy to be a part of an interview with him.

The podcast covers many of the topics I have written about here in a bit more casual manner with some additional insights by Randy. You can listen to it here:


Here are some things that are discussed:

  • Why career documents and job search tactics are so important.
  • How most resumes are too long, and repeat the same things.
  • How to differentiate yourself between you and your competition.
  • How to give hiring committees better information about your current golf course, especially if its a lesser quality course.
  • d187afae8cb4ccbaa828cb269dfed541-.jpgWhy when applying 'blind' for a superintendent position it's important to show that you have reached out and gathered information about the club.
  • Why you should consider networking a part of your job search tactics and your career goals!
  • Should you supply references, and who should they be?
  • In most private clubs hiring committees are volunteer positions. Why do they sometimes hire assistants from higher end clubs vs. other quality clubs?
  • Why it may be good idea to volunteer at some PGA Tour events, and how it can really help grow your network.
  • Are blogs helpful for getting you a future job?
  • Why it's important that you understand that the hiring committee wants to see your perfection.
  • Why August and September is a great time to get your career documents in order.

So the next time you're working on the course, give this podcast a listen and see if it can be of any help to you.


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