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Career Mission Statements Spark Candidate Initiative

Jim McLoughlin


I have been puzzled in recent years why so many job applicants have consistently failed to include definitive "career mission" statements within their documentation (cover letter, etc.) when seeking a new job. I believe the fundamental reason for this consistent oversight has been because candidates fail to see the role taking the initiative must play within a successful job application process. (See June 26, 2014 blog.)


"Candidate initiative" which starts with a take-charge cover letter (see July 2, 2014 blog) and culminates with the submission of a definitive plan of action (see next week's blog), is the most important single element within a potentially successful job application!


A candidate taking the initiative is the equivalent of a 'shout out' to alert the search committee to the fact that he is bringing uniquely qualifying credentials to the job search.


To ensure themselves of a maximum opportunity to acquire a new job in today's economy, candidates should profile their credentials within meticulously drafted, but always career accurate, personal mission statements to be strategically positioned early within their cover letters, resumes, plans of action and web sites when applying for jobs.


Because successfully applying tight fiscal management policies while still maintaining course/program integrity is the single most important job performing "card" to play when applying for a job in today's economy -- it should be a main focus within career mission statements.


For example, job applicants should consider emulating the following sample mission statement (in their own words) within their submitted documentation:


"My career purpose is to find new meaningful employment where I can transfer my skill sets, proven in difficult economic times, not only to generate continuing pride in their golf course within the player community but also: (i) to successfully support membership development programming; and (ii) to ensure that sufficient cash flow levels are maintained to comfortably sustain club/course operations. 


A well-crafted factually accurate career mission statement is the "spark" that can ignite a candidate's job application in the eyes of a search committee.


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