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A Year of Blogging: Top 5 Posts to Review

Matt Leverich


Time flies. I can't believe I have been writing for TurfNet now for just over a year. I've enjoyed offering advice on careers and technology and hope anyone who has read the blog receives value in some way from it as that is the goal -- to help others in the turf industry.

Because we are all pulled in different directions constantly and content is everywhere, I thought it might be a good time to recap and highlight the five key articles I wrote in this past year that would bring the most value to your career.

1. The Dangers of an Online Presence

After writing this one, I began noticing over the last few months that more superintendents are putting their blog on the club website and some even behind the member login area. It's great to see and hope it becomes the new trend. Blogs are so powerful for the superintendent and having it displayed prominently on the club website is awesome, especially when it is done in a manner that protects the superintendent's career as described in this article.

2. Set Up a Crew Smart Board with Ease

Before smart boards became more popular last winter, I wrote of a simple and easy way to use them in your operation, and highlighted two supers who I knew used it. Since then, tons of you have implemented the system and I received a lot of questions on the topic. With Google releasing ChromeCast mirroring recently, it's now even easier to pull this off.

3. Network with More Golfers, Not Peers

It's still true that to get ahead you usually need to know someone to establish a connection in business. Trying some of the tips in this article is a great way to branch out your network of contacts outside the superintendent world -- a critical step if you wish to further your career at a new club.

4. Top 8 Considerations for Your Resume

This is an excellent resource for developing a modern and impacting resume custom to the turf industry. While there are many schools of thought on resumes, my advice in this article is geared to benefit the vast majority of applicants who apply "blind" to the club with no connections. However, if you are doing this consider the tips in article #3 above to increase your likelihood of an interview.

5. Using TurfNet & Forum on Devices   

TurfNet is always updated with great new content, jobs, and forum activity. Why not get it on the go from your phone or tablet? I created two articles last year covering exactly how to add TurfNet to your device and how it can be used there. A must-have for any turfgrass professional, and something I use frequently.


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