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Rockbottum Rules

Randy Wilson


Rockbottum Country Club has enjoyed tremendous success, because Rockbottum Rules.


We follow a flexible approach built on years of experience gained as a family of superintendents, pro golfers and bad golf course architecture fixers.  


For instance, Rule #1:  We offer weekday walker fees of $10 for 18 holes.  At this price range we don't hear any complaints and we rarely have anyone take us up on the price because most golfers are far too lazy to walk.


Rule #2:  We offer a form of Neo-Classic Architecture known as Ludellian Golf.  Wide fairways, (70 yards) minimal rough, huge greens rolling 9, (but we post a speed of 11) and very few bunkers.


There are 55 Rockbottum Rules in all.  Over the next year, we will reveal the ones that actually work.  (Probably won't take a year, maybe two weeks.)


Our first instructional film deals with Rule #44 and Understanding.  (We understand golfers, they just don't understand us.)


Note:  There are no Mystic Order of Organic Greenkeeper CEUs available for this training course, but look at the bright side:  We aren't gonna hit you with a surprise dues increase in 2015, either.



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