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Can't See the Canopy for the Bent/Poa/Fescue/Ultradwarf...

Paul MacCormack


It has been interesting lately watching my 12 year old son, Lucas, embark on a new hobby. He has become consumed with all things bird related. He is watching, photographing, sketching, painting, feeding, and most importantly, enjoying birds. The other day as we were driving in town he remarked that he "never knew that there were so many birds around." We discussed that the birds had always been there, he just had not put his intention on taking notice of them before.


Intention is a powerful force in our lives. When we narrow our focus and tune into what our true intentions are, the universe responds and the very thing we seek will present itself before us. This power can work both for us and against us. Seek something positive and it will find us. Seek something negative and it usually has a way of sneaking up on us as well.


Seek something positive and it will find us. Seek something negative and it usually has a way of sneaking up on us as well...


As superintendents we can easily get overwhelmed during the run of a summer. One crazy day leads to the next and all of a sudden those things that we hoped to get done are falling by the wayside. Whether we skip a venting, miss a topdressing, or don't have that important staff meeting, the hectic pace of the season can conspire to undo the best of us.


If we slow down and reflect on the state of our affairs, we can better evaluate the situation and give ourselves the chance to refocus. By putting our intention back on those things that matter most to our turf, we create the will to get them done. There is always enough time to do what we need to do when our intention is pure.


By putting our intention back on those things that matter most to our turf, we create the will to get them done...


It is no different in our personal lives. If we put our pure intention on creating a balanced, healthy lifestyle, then it will be so. If we focus on exercising, there is always enough time in the day. On the other hand, if our intention wanes, then it is easy to convince ourselves that we are too busy.


Intention also impacts  the relationships with others in our lives. If we are always looking for what is wrong with everyone, then there will never be a shortage of cranky people surrounding us. But the flip side of this coin is that if we open ourselves to the inherent goodness of others, then we will usually find ourselves accompanied by a happier crowd. By putting our intention on the best parts of others, it helps them recognize the goodness that resides within them. 


 So the "power of intention" (not my term, Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a book about it, worth reading...The Power of Intention) can be a very powerful tool, if used properly. The next time you find that you are convincing yourself that something can't be done, take a moment  and make sure you are being honest with yourself.


And do yourself a favour the next time you find yourself caught in the midst of one of those sublime moments;  out changing holes on your favorite green, with the morning sun rising and the birds singing... take a breath and know that what you seek may be right in front of you.

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Joseph Fearn


"One crazy day leads to the next and all of a sudden those things that we hoped to get done are falling by the wayside."


You are exactly right. This has happened to me time and time again. I keep telling myself stay with the plan and do things when they are supposed to be done...intentionally.


Great post and right on the money. thanks.

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