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Finding Staff: H2B Visa Program (Part 1)

Matt Leverich


Guest Post by Frank Duda, Golf Course Superintendent at Miacomet Golf Club, Nantucket, MA

While not perfectly related to career materials or technology, I thought it was interesting enough to include on this blog due to the potential importance of it in some of your operations, especially with it being in the news recently. The second post on how to streamline and manage the process will be coming in the next blog. I hope this offers insight to you and thanks to Frank Duda for writing this series.  -- Matt

frank_duda.jpgOn Nantucket Island, 30 miles off the coast of Cape Cod in Massachusetts, finding an effective source of seasonal employment is a constant challenge. As is the case with other resort destinations, people come to Nantucket to vacation, not to work. Finding the required amount of employees willing to begin work every day at 5AM is nearly impossible.  Five years ago we started utilizing the H2B visa program to ensure we had sufficient employees for the summer season. This program authorizes your company to employ foreign nationals legally for a given time period. In our case, our authorized employment of H2B workers runs from April 15 ? October 15.  

While there are several additional requirements that the government places on your company when utilizing the H2B program, this program is integral in being able to ensure that our staffing needs are met. As the process and paperwork are rather cumbersome and takes a certain degree of skill to complete, we outsource this to a company that specializes in completing this paperwork. While outsourcing does add to the end cost of obtaining these employees, I highly recommend it to ensure that the paperwork is done correctly. This will avoid any frustration on your part and delays in your workers' arrival.

As the process and paperwork are rather cumbersome and takes a certain degree of skill to complete, we outsource this...

Some of the additional requirements include paying every employee a prevailing wage, as determined by the United States Department of Labor, advertising the position on both state job banks and local newspapers to ensure that any United States citizens are not being adversely effected by you bringing in foreign nationals, and incurring the travel costs of the foreign nationals to arrive at your location. While these requirements involve additional costs, the cost is more than offset by having dependable, dedicated employees throughout the summer season.

When we first started using the H2B program five years ago we only had a petition for  people, all Filipino nationals, to supplement our additional 8-10 seasonal employees. Over the years we have increased our crew size and this year we are set to have 13 Filipino nationals serve as the backbone of our crew, with an additional 8-10 Americans supplementing them.

We have had so much success with this program that our H2B employees are asking us to sponsor their family members or friends in the program. I currently have a waiting list for our H2B employees to bring a guest of theirs to join our company in future years? petitions. Knowing that we will be able to meet our staffing needs for many years to come through the H2B visa program is essential to our operation in a resort location.   

We have had so much success with this program that our H2B employees are asking us to sponsor their family members or friends in the program...

In a subsequent blog post I will go into further detail about the paperwork process and what is involved with meeting the government?s requirements as well as completing the process as quickly and smoothly as possible.


Recommended Comments

Guest Aleksandra


I am looking for summer job in Cape Cod. Can someone help me? I am H2B holder. Thank you :)

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Guest Whitney


I'd love to have an opportunity as a H2B worker on Nantucket. I'm a Jamaican and I worked on Nantucket last year. Contact for details

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Guest Ricc Paulo Adarlo


Hi Sir Matt! I just wanna ask if you're still accepting for h2b visa. If you're interested sir. Here's my email riccpauloadarlo@gmail.com. Thank you so much!

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Guest Tamara Richards


Good day I work 2 year on h2b I'm a jamaica hard working person here is my email malike3752@gmail.com thank you waiting for your response

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