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Here We Go...

Jeff Lenihan


After two sleepless nights studying earlier this week, final exams at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are behind me and I am getting ready to fly to the UK tomorrow. I just finished up my sophomore year at Lincoln, where I am majoring in Turfgrass Management with a minor in Business Administration.


I completed an internship last summer at Columbus Crew Stadium in Columbus, OH, where I was fortunate enough to be connected to Mr. Mike O'Keeffe, the Program Manager for the Ohio State University's Global Intern Program. He informed me of an internship available in the UK with Campey Turfcare Systems, and I jumped at the chance.


Getting ready to go to Europe isn't the easiest thing, but Mike, Richard Campey and his daughter, Julia, have made the preparation easy with all of the help they have given me. The program Mr. Campey has designed for me will take me to six different countries over the next two months! While over there, I hope to learn more about Campey's Koro "fraise mowing" football renovation methods as well as learn a bit about the sales and business side of the company.


I will provide updates on this page on what I am doing for Campey, as well as a couple of posts about some fun things that I do around Europe!


Fraise mowing renovation

Fraise mowing renovation


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