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TurfNet RADIO: Norm Hummel on green firmness and other "soil" issues

Frank Rossi


In this episode of Frankly Speaking, I chat with my old buddy Norm Hummel, Ph.D., recently semi-retired after selling his soil physical testing lab to Turf and Soil Diagnostics.  Norm and I chat about what superintendents can do "from the bottom up" to manage putting surface firmness given the new tools available to put actual numbers to firmness and moisture levels.


Norm gives guidance regarding "knowing what you're putting down" when topdressing, layering different texture sands on one another, getting sand down through dense turf canopies, and a whole bunch of other good stuff.  Check it out below, or download the podcast here (right click and select "save target as").



Many thanks to our sponsors, DryJect/Maximus by DryJect and TrueSurface by Turfline.


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Dave Berg


As short as, 4-6 years of topdressing with a fine sand on a 2 week basis throughout the growing season in the Great Lakes Region, over what would be considered a coarse USGA construction sand has produced a very unstable surface prone to foot-printing and tire tracking after this fine sand surface profile is disturbed with hole punching practices.

The only way, long term, I think you could use finer sand in a weekly to bi-weekly program over coarse construction would be to aggressively spring and fall double Graden, 1" deep, coarser sand, coefficient 2+, along with double DryJect Maximusing the same coarse sand in. This would effect both the surface horizontal 1" you have been fine topdressing all season and also produce vertical drainage column conduits to the lower profile.

You need the right equipment, Graden Sand Fill, DryJect Maximus, topdressers, the right sands, tested out at a certified lab, a lot of labor spring and fall and a owner or board of directors that will allow this major work to be done spring and fall. $'s and cooperation needed.

Frank Rossi


excellent points dave. especially about the cooperation required to remedy. i have seen more tire tracks on greens these days than ever before.

Chris Tritabaugh



Our greens are one of those mentioned that went with a coarse and "packable" sand. Very coarse in our rootmix is 11% and the co-efficient of uniformity is just over 3. We have tried topdressing with this same sand, but just end up picking up the v. coarse particles. We now use a USGA spec topdressing sand, which has a co-efficient of uniformity of 2.1, which is nicely compatible with our rootmix and seems to work into the canopy of our A-4 pretty well. I would actually say very well, mechanic would say pretty well.


In my opinion, the unintended consequences of this are a total pore space of 40%, with a lot of capillary pore space. Due to this, once the greens "flush" the moisture left behind in the capillary pore space is higher and sticks around longer, than I would like.


Great podcast with Norm, keep them coming.

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