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Winter (Spring) of Our Discontent...

Paul MacCormack


Inspiration is a fickle beast. When you are firmly in its clutches you are like a demon possessed. When you are hunting for it though, you can be truly lost in the wilderness. My friends, I have been lost deep in the forest on a long and tiresome hunt as of late.


My lack of success on this particular pursuit has not been entirely without merit. You see, the last few months here in the Canadian Maritimes have not exactly been a down home kitchen party. We went from record snow falls, ice storms, and flooding right into miserable spring temperatures and way too much dead turf. Long story short, it feels like this season has been going on for quite some time now... and it's not even June yet.



The season so far this year has progressed from this... to (below)




It has been one of those starts to the season that we all have known on some level or another. Our brothers and sisters in Ontario and Michigan knew it all too well last year (Cheers Mr. Garr). Springs like these can beat you down to a pulp and if we are not careful the ensuing summer can grind you down to nothing. It is important to keep some semblance of balance within your lives, and remember that "this too shall pass."


So in between sodding greens, overseeding tees, fairways, range decks and rough (and playing GM too, maybe talk more on that one in a future post) I have not been finding much in the line of inspiration when it has come to writing the blog. Not that I don't have more to say going forward, it's just hard to find the time and energy to say much of note at the moment.


To all of you experiencing the same good times we are having here on the Island, good luck and may The Force be with you.  To everyone else, thanks so much for reading and I wish you all nothing but the best for the season ahead.


I will hopefully be back from my hunting trip soon, with a wagon full of new thoughts and musings. In the meantime feel free to lose yourself in the archives of the Mindful Super or any of the other wonderful bloggers here on TurfNet... it is time well spent indeed. 


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