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2018 Jacobsen HR600


By RMT Equipment,
Murray, Utah - View their other ads



2018 Jacobsen HR600 Wide Area Rotary Mower (11.4')

The HR600 features an industry-leading power/weight ratio with a robust, and powerful Kubota engine to provide reliable performance in even the toughest conditions. This machine also features an ergonomic operating station that enhances comfort and ease of use.

At just 800 hours, this machine still has a lot of grass to cut in its lifetime. This machine will provide the most efficient large area cutting for your golf courses and green spaces.

Item Information

Year: 2018
Make: Jacobsen
Model: HR600
Hours: 800
Condition: Used- Great

Contact Information

Organization: RMT Equipment
Murray, Utah
Contact Person: Gunnar
Phone: 8016332598

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