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2012 Jacobsen 550- 2 Wheel


By Blush Hill Country Club,
Duxbury , Vermont - View their other ads


2012 Jacobsen 550-2 wheel drive fairway mower. Two to three sharpenings left and only 30 hours since last sharpening.  Change filters and it is ready to mow. Less than 2400 hours.


Item Information

Year: 2012
Make: Jacobsen
Model: 550- 2 Wheel
Hours: Less than 2400
Condition: Good

Contact Information

Organization: Blush Hill Country Club
Duxbury , Vermont
Contact Person: Maurice Lavanway
Phone: 802 371 7422


  • BUYERS: If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Please let us know of any suspect listings.

    SELLERS: Beware any offers to buy with unusual payment methods, particularly with checks larger than the selling price, wire transfers to Western Union, etc.

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