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Rainbird Eagle 700/750


By Silver Spring Country Club,
Ridgefield, Connecticut - View their other ads


Rainbird 700/750's

Complete with solenoids and internals.  Most are NPT thread.  There are a couple dozen ACME Heads.  

The 700's are mostly orange Nozzles.  The 750's are orange and white nozzles.

These heads were dug out this fall, powerwashed, and have been stored inside a heated building. 

200 -250 Available.   Minimum 10

Also available are Green Carson 1419 Valve Boxes, various depths.  Lets make a deal


Item Information

Make: Rainbird
Model: Eagle 700/750

Contact Information

Organization: Silver Spring Country Club
Ridgefield, Connecticut
Contact Person: Jim
Phone: Email first

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