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2020 Ventrac 4500z


By Ramadon Turf Equ,
Fort Myers, Florida - View their other ads


Ventrac 2020 4500z

low hour 657 hr

loaded with accessories 

dual wheel kit, canopy, slope meter, rear hitch/weights ($4500 in extras)

Kubota liquid cooled gas- most reliable /powerful option

$24,500 price- tractor only

package discounts

shipping anywhere

attachments available separately - some never used

Buffalo blower


95 deck with power tilt


edger with blower

sod cutter


Ramadon Turf Equipment 


Richard Ramadon


Fort myers Fl 33901


Item Information

Year: 2020
Make: Ventrac
Model: 4500z

Contact Information

Organization: Ramadon Turf Equ
Fort Myers, Florida
Contact Person: Richard Ramadon
Phone: 2397717463

152 views - Updated

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