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Turf’s hierarchy of needs: Water, light, temperature and nutrition
Establishing a healthy turfgrass foundation requires a balanced combination of essential resources. In this TurfNet University webinar presented by Lebanon Turf, Bryan Unruh, Ph.D., of the University of Florida will discuss how plant growth and development largely depend on the proper coordination of water, light, temperature and nutrition, with their alignment playing a critical role in ach
Planning and building a modern golf course maintenance facility: Applebrook Golf Club Brecker Turf Care Center case study
Building a modern golf course maintenance facility is one of the most complex projects a course manager will undertake. The challenges are substantial—from justifying the investment to key decision-makers to navigating the intricate planning and construction process. In this webinar, Jared Viarengo, CGCS, director of grounds and club operations at Applebrook Golf Club in Malvern, Pennsylvani
Understanding fungicides
In this TurfNet University webinar, Dr. Rick Latin of Purdue University (retired) will explain how fungicides work, why they work, and why sometimes they do not. Topics will be addressed from a practical perspective and will emphasize how this information benefits turf managers. Specific topics covered in this 90-minute presentation will include: How fungicides move in the plant
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