Since opening in 1991, our golf course has attracted rave reviews and a loyal following thanks to superb conditioning, comprehensive practice facilities, and outstanding playability. Designed by US Open and two-time PGA champion, World Golf Hall of Famer Larry Nelson, our award-winning course proves a welcome challenge for golfers of all levels. Each hole takes advantage of our gently rolling terrain, our natural setting, and of course, spectacular views of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The recently renovated layout, designed in conjunction with golf course architect Kris Spence of Spence Golf Inc., includes a complete practice area, multiple putting greens, Scottish style revetted sod-wall bunkers, Better Billy Bunkers, and a four-hole short course. This immaculate course with an awe-inspiring backdrop has updated fairways, tees and greens, cart paths, and irrigation systems; however, this is an on-going process that we continue to update and improve on. The interns selected will work closely with management and the crew. You will have the opportunity to work with bentgrass fairways, tees and greens. The interns will operate equipment, course setup, deep water and wilt watching, calibrate, apply fertilizers, apply pesticides, irrigation set up, irrigation repairs, special projects, and other various golf maintenance duties. A total learning experience.
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