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Equipment/Shop Manager or Turf Equipment Technician job

luke smith

Luke Smith

9963 Skyridge dr.

Cincinnati, OH 45252





  • U.S. Air force

  • Modesto junior college

  • St. Margaret’s high school




  1. Beckett Ridge golf club    West chester, Oh.

Assistant Superintendent / Equipment maintenance manager 


Overseeing and directing all daily operations and tasks, from assigning tasks to ensuring completion, and completion of all to the standards that are expected. Coordination between Superintendent and General manager to ensure the course is in optimal condition for any and all leagues/events. 

Training of all new and current employees to ensure optimal performance and efficiency of all personnel.

Inspection and daily maintenance, service, and repair of all onsite equipment. 


  1. Walden ponds golf course Hamilton, Oh.

Equipment maintenance manager


Daily maintenance, service, inspection, and repair of all onsite equipment.

Coordination with the Superintendent of any upcoming projects, or maintenance to the golf course.


  1. Hayes Ranch inc. Waterford, Ca.

Equipment maintenance manager / shop supervisor


Daily maintenance, service, and repair of all onsite farm equipment to ensure optimal performance and safety.


  1. Smith Bros. Farming inc. Waterford, Ca.

Head equipment operator


Daily operation of all farm equipment necessary to conduct essential for completing daily functions, and conducting minor repairs to ensure equipment was capable of all necessary workload.





  1. Spangdahelm, Air base, Germany

  2. Bagram, Army base, Afghanistan

  3. Anderson, Air force base, Guam 

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