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John Reitman

By John Reitman

Aqua-Aid Solutions' Excalibur powered by technology new to U.S. market


Aqua-Aid Solutions recently launched Excalibur, a rapid response soil surfactant that delivers quick infiltration and consistent dry down.

Excalibur is powered by Potentiated Hydrophobe Technology (PHT), a new surfactant technology to the U.S. market.

PHT is comprised of a molecule with a strong hydrophobic chain that permits a more powerful affinity to attach to a soil particle surface allowing for better infiltration and longevity, the company says. 

Excalibur is a great tank mix partner with your current agronomic program to target mitigation of varying environmental factors and place synergistic chemistries in the correct zone of the soil profile for maximum effectiveness. Targeting these zones within the soil profile makes excellent plant health achievable.

Excalibur is safe to turf and can be applied at any time of the year to substantially improve turfgrass quality and resistance to stress. Excalibur is easy to apply through standard spray application equipment to all turfgrass areas.

Benefits of Excalibur include:

  • Enhances adsorption to hydrophobic particles provides consistent dry-down and soil hydration
  • Radically increases the infiltration of water
  • Potentiated chemistry sets a NEW standard for management of environmental stresses
  • Provides resilient, high-quality, consistent turfgrass
  • Effective at significantly lower use rates than competing products.


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