If this devastating turf disease is a concern at your golf course, check out this TurfNet University Webinar archive by Bruce Clarke, Ph.D., and Jim Murphy, Ph.D., of Rutgers University on developing best management practices for anthracnose. Recorded earlier this year, the Webinar, entitled Strategies for Managing Anthracnose, provides background information on anthracnose, its causes and what superintendents can do from a management perspective to prevent it.
Approved by the GCSAA and STMA for continuing education, the Webinar is one of dozens of archived events available from TurfNet, Grigg Brothers and Aquatrols. The portfolio of archived events includes Webinars on a broad range of agronomic issues that will appeal to busy turf managers from all geographic locations, such as Managing Turf Under Shaded Conditions by David Gardner, Ph.D., of Ohio State University, Taking Bermudagrass to Extremes by Gregg Munshaw of the University of Kentucky, and Analyzing Drainage Problems and Applying Proper Drainage Techniques by Dennis Hurley of Turf Drainage Company of America, just to name a few. The site also includes Webcasts on career development, including titles such as Negotiating for Success by Amy Wallis, Ph.D., of Wake Forest University, and Jump Start Your Career in 2014, by Anthony Williams, CGCS, of Stone Mountain (Georgia) Golf Club.
All archived Webinars are available for on-demand viewing 24/7.
In Strategies for Managing Anthracnose, Clarke and Murphy, two of the country's leading researchers on anthracnose, discuss developing management strategies based on cultural and chemical practices.
BMPs developed through cultural practices pay particular emphasis to the role of fertility, mowing and rolling, topdressing, irrigation and verticutting.
Developing BMPs through chemical programs includes the role of fungicides in preventing anthracnose, including research-based information on several products, both new and old, used alone, in combinations and as part of a program.
Many of the archived Webinars are available for public viewing, while others are for TurfNet members only. If you're not a TurfNet member, but would like to view these broadcasts as well as enjoy the many other benefits that come with a membership, you can fix that by clicking here.