Bayer Environmental Science has launched an online portal where golf course superintendents can find solutions to various turfgrass issues posted directly by members of the company's Green Solutions Team.

"As any superintendent knows, effective turf management is a non-stop and continuously evolving responsibility," said Laurence Mudge, Green Solutions Team Manager. "We hope the solutions and expertise provided in 'Talking Turf' will help add additional tools to superintendents' arsenals."
Each section features blog posts from the Bayer team that includes Mudge, Rob Golembiewski, Ph.D., Zac Reicher, Ph.D., and Derek Settle, Ph.D.
Current topics in the blog include Pythium root rot in cool-season turf, leaf spot and dollar spot in the transition zone, controlling annual bluegrass weevil, controlling goosegrass in warm-season turf and controlling goosegrass in cool-season turf.