Deep in the bowels of Paul Brown Stadium, in what was - until a few days ago - Darian Daily's office, is a rake. There wasn't much special about that rake, other than who gave it to Daily and why.

Survivors include his wife, Carole; daughter, Peyton; son, William; mother Virginia; sisters Sherry Daily, Mendy Johnson and Martha Potter. He was preceded in death by his father, Ronald.
Many who met Daily on a professional level marveled at how their relationship with him developed into a valued friendship that transcended turf.
"He would visit me at Lassing Pointe or Boone Links," said Jerry Coldiron, CGCS, a former superintendent in Kentucky now working for Hector Turf in Deerfield Beach, Florida. "We would golf and talk turf, equipment, life and our families.
"I will remember him fondly for our mutual love of family first (and) the turf industry, each time UK and Tennessee played and, of course, the occasional tear when I hear 'Who Dey.' "