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John Reitman

By John Reitman

EPA OKs new Bayer nematicide


With Nemacur no longer available, golf course superintendents have struggled to find an acceptable tool for the control of nematodes in turf.
For professional turfgrass managers looking for a tool to help control a variety of turf-damaging nematodes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has granted label registration to Indemnify, a new nematicide from Bayer Environmental Science.
With the active ingredient fluopyram, Indemnify is a concentrated formulation labeled for preventive and curative control of sting, root knot, spiral, Anguina pacifcae and many other types of nematodes.
Indemnify is labeled for use on warm-and cool-season grasses and will not damage turf. Formulated with soil surfactants, and it sprays on clear, but has a bluish tint after application.
A 17.1-ounce bottle is enough to treat 1-2 acres of affected turf.


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