The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has granted label registration to Pinpoint Fungicide from Nufarm.
With the active ingredient mandestrobin, Pinpoint is a new strobilurin (QoI) fungicide registered for controlling dollar spot in turfgrass. Pinpoint optimizes disease-management programs for golf course superintendents and lawn care operators by providing consistent turf quality throughout the season while helping combat dollar spot resistance, Nufarm says
"The unique and targeted activity that Pinpoint delivers against dollar spot is a boon to superintendents and their ongoing pursuit of pristine turf," said Steve Jedrzejek, marketing manager at Nufarm. "Pinpoint fits multiple spray programs from early season through late season wherever dollar spot control is needed."
Pinpoint, developed by Valent in conjunction with Nufarm, has been under field development with numerous university researchers since 2006
"Pinpoint provides powerful dollar spot control, provides excellent turf tolerance, and enhances the stewardship of disease management programs," said Jason Fausey, Nufarm's director of technical services.
Pinpoint is labeled for use on golf courses, athletic fields, residential and institutional lawns, public parks and recreational areas, as well as sod farms.
Pinpoint is a member of FRAC group 11 and is best used preventively in a rotational program. It provides an additional management option for dollar spot and is a rotation partner for other classes of chemistry such as Spectrum Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors (SDHI) fungicides.