Xzemplar fungicide and Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide both contain the active ingredient fluxapyroxad, brand name Xemium, a new succinate-dehydrogenase inhibitor. Fluxapyroxad is a highly mobile active ingredient that provides both preventative and curative activity on many turfgrass pathogens. Xzemplar fungicide is a solo product containing only fluxapyroxad.
Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide contains a 1:2 ratio of fluxapyroxad and pyraclostrobin, the active ingredient in Insignia SC Intrinsic brand fungicide. Lexicon Intrinsic is a next-generation Intrinsic product with disease control and advanced plant health, say BASF scientists. Field trial results for Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide have shown it provides efficacious control on a variety of turfgrass diseases, including brown patch, dollar spot, summer patch and fairy ring, in addition to 22 other diseases.
Research shows Xzemplar fungicide and Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide provide consistent, long-lasting protection against a broad range of turf diseases. In trials conducted during 2008-2013 by both university and private contract researchers, excellent disease control was observed.
Trial results for Xzemplar fungicide have shown excellent control against dollar spot at all rates and spray intervals (14-28 days) on greens and fairways. In a fairway dollar spot trial at Penn State University in 2013, Xzemplar fungicide on a 21-day spray interval was the top performing treatment among 40 entries. On the final rating date, Xzemplar fungicide was the only treatment with no dollar spot present, while the untreated plots contained over 140 dollar spot lesions per plot.
In a curative dollar spot trial on a Crenshaw Bentgrass putting green at the Pee Dee Research and Education Center of Clemson University, Xzemplar fungicide plots contained an average of two dollar spot lesions as compared to the untreated plots that contained over 20 lesions at 14 days after the application.
Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide trials demonstrated efficacious control of a variety of diseases including brown patch, dollar spot, summer patch and fairy ring. In a trial conducted on SR7100 colonial bentgrass, no Rhizoctonia infection (brown patch) was observed in Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide plots at 21 days after application as compared to the untreated control plots that averaged 70.5 percent disease incidence at the Rutgers? trial site.
Similarly, in a trial conducted on Baron Kentucky bluegrass showed low infection (1.8 percent) of summer patch after 21 days, compared with 58.2 percent in the untreated control.
Both Xzemplar fungicide and Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide are expected to be available for sale later this year.
Click here to read more about Xzemplar and Lexicon Intrinsic fungicides.