Someone once said that dogs are the only things that love you more than they love themselves.

More importantly, they keep geese and other nuisance critters on the run, provide reliable companionship throughout the day and are effective at running interference against overzealous golfers.
If this describes your golf course dog, then nominate your canine friend for a place in the 2016 TurfNet Superintendent's Best Friend Calendar, presented by Syngenta.
Since 2002, the TurfNet Superintendent's Best Friend Calendar, the original golf course dog calendar, has paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of golf course dogs. Later this summer, our judging panel will choose 14 golf course dogs to grace the pages of next year's calendar.
Here are a few tips when taking and submitting photographs of your dog:
Images should be taken horizontally at your camera's highest resolution setting (at least 4mb). Also, try not to center your dog in the frame, as left or right orientation often results in a more dramatic photograph. The best photos are those in which we can clearly see the dog's face.
Nomination deadline is July 31.
To nominate your dog, email HIGH-RESOLUTION photos to Anna Murray and be sure to include the dog's name, age and breed; photographer's name; owner's name, phone number, email address; and the name of the golf course where the owner and dog both work.