BASF's Pillar G Intrinsic OK'd for use in California
Pillar G Intrinsic brand fungicide from BASF recently was granted label registration by the California EPA.
Pillar G is a combination Insignia fungicide (pyraclostrobin) and Trinity fungicide (triticonazole) on a granular carrier. This combination of two highly effective active ingredients delivers preventive control of dollar spot, anthracnose, brown and large patch, take-all patch, summer patch, pink snow mold, leaf spots and more.
Pillar G Intrinsic brand fungicide is formulated on a clay granule that provides spreading characteristics because of its density and uniform particle size. The active ingredient moves quickly off of the granule after regular irrigation or precipitation so that it can protect turfgrass soon after application.
Pillar G Intrinsic brand fungicide is labeled for use on most turfgrasses for both lawns and golf courses and provides healthier and higher quality turf, especially during environmentally stressful periods.
Nufarm promotes Copley to oversee golf market
Nufarm Americas recently named Cameron Copley to the newly created role of golf national account manager for the company's turf and ornamental division.
A former assistant golf course superintendent, Copley will be responsible for the overall development of the Nufarm product line as well as all sales initiatives.
Before being appointed to his current position, Copley managed Nufarm's Southeast region in the T&O segment. He was on board during the integration of the Cleary Chemical line in 2013, and most recently has been working to integrate the Valent Professional Products line into the Nufarm's portfolio.
FMC rebates help superintendents save while targeting sedges
FMC Professional Solutions has launched a rebate program that will help superintendents save between $5-$12.50 on various sizes of Dismiss South and Dismiss CA herbicides while controlling sedges and kyllinga.
The rebate program includes savings of $12.50 instant rebate on each half-gallon jug of Dismiss turf herbicide, $10 on each pint of Dismiss South herbicide, $5 on each 6-ounce jug of Dismiss CA turf herbicide and $5 on each 6-ounce jug of Dismiss turf herbicide.
Dismiss herbicide controls yellow nutsedge and green kyllinga in warm and cool-season turf. It attacks sedges at the surface for quick visible control, while also controlling tubers. This dual action helps prevent future sedge outbreaks and the need for retreats.
For turf managers fighting purple nutsedge, Dismiss South herbicide achieves fast, effective results against purple nutsedge, yellow nutsedge and green kyllinga in warm-season turf.
Registered for use in California and Arizona, Dismiss CA turf herbicide delivers fast, visible control of sedges like yellow nutsedge, purple nutsedge and green kyllinga, as well as a significant reduction in new sedge populations.

California OK's Syngenta's Velista
The California Environmental Protection Agency recently approved Velista fungicide from Syngenta for use on some of a golf course's most critical areas.
With the active ingredient penthiopyrad, Velista is a broad-spectrum SDHI fungicide that controls anthracnose, fairy ring, rapid blight and more on greens, collars, fairways and rough areas. It is ideal for cleaning up diseases during transition times from spring to summer and fall to winter on all turf types.
Launched at this year's Golf Industry Show in San Antonio, Velista is a water-dispersible granular formulation and can be tank mixed with other products to enhance control. When mixed with Briskway fungicide, Velista has exhibited excellent control of summer stress diseases on greens when temperatures transition from warm to hot.