Jacobsen adds Jenkins to marketing staff
Jacobsen named Dena Jenkins as the company's events and channel manager.

Prior to Jacobsen, Jenkins was an events manager for Bell Helicopter (also a Textron company), planning events across the globe for the rotorcraft manufacturer.
New Hampshire gives thumbs-up to Nufarm's Clipper herbicide
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services has granted a 2 (ee) label registration for Nufarm Americas' Clipper aquatic herbicide for control of two pesky water-borne weeds.
With the active ingredient flumioxazin, the tank mix of Clipper and 2,4-D, provides New Hampshire applicators with a tool for weed-management programs at the rates specified on the new 2 (ee) label for fanwort and variable leaf milfoil, two species of invasive submersed weeds, with one application.
Clipper may be tank mixed with other registered aquatic herbicides for enhanced control of submersed and floating plants.
For more information about Clipper, visit nufarm.com/USTO/Clipper.

Engage Agro USA celebrating fifth anniversary
Engage Agro USA is celebrating its fifth anniversary of serving the agriculture, turf and ornamental markets.
Based on the business model developed in Canada by Engage Agro Corp. that is based in Guelph, Ontario, Engage Agro USA specializes in crop protection and nutritional products for agricultural, turf, industrial, and niche crop markets in the United States.
The company's product portfolio includes a line of adjuvants, soil surfactants, pesticides and accessory products.