Golf rounds played drop 2 percent in June

Only nine states across the country experienced an increase in rounds played, while 40 others saw a decrease. The survey of 3,620 private and daily fee facilities does not include Alaska.
Iowa and Minnesota led the way in June with a 10 percent increase in rounds played. Play also was up in North and South Dakota (8 percent), Washington and Wisconsin (7 percent), Georgia (4 percent) and Alabama (less than 1 percent.
The biggest losses were in Hawaii (down 12 percent); Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire and Vermont (all down 11 percent); and Texas (down 10 percent).
Year-to-date rounds played were up by 0.6 percent through the first six months of the year, compared with the same period last year.

WinField Academy offers education for turf managers
The 2015 WinField Academy is an interactive program that brings career-development courses to professional turf managers and others in various markets throughout the country.
The Academy teaches attendees about new products and technologies, application processes and new business strategies for golf turf, lawn, sports turf, ornamentals, pest control, aquatics and vegetation management.
Sessions are designed to provide practical insights through interactive learning, product testing and tutorials. Instructors include Frank S. Rossi, Ph.D., Cornell University; Thom Nikolai, Ph.D., Michigan State University; Aaron Palmateer, Ph.D., University of Florida; Brandon Horvath, Ph.D., University of Tennessee; and representatives from BASF, Bayer and Dow AgroSciences.
Click here for a list of remaining classes.
United Turf Alliance launches new fungicide
United Turf Alliance recently launched ArmorTech ZOXY-T fungicide.
A combination product that includes the active ingredients azoxystrobin and tebuconazole, ZOXY-T is labeled for control of a variety of patch, foliar and soil-borne diseases, including brown patch, dollar spot and Pythium on greens, tees and fairways.
ArmorTech ZOXY-T is currently labeled for golf course use only and available in four 1-gallon cases from United Turf Alliance members and partners.