Shaffer named an ELGA winner

Shaffer was the winner in the National Private category for his efforts at conserving water and soils management at Merion, the site of this year's U.S. Open.
Other winners were Steve Tierney, superintendent at Golf Park Nuolen in Wangen, Switzerland, who was the overall winner; John Anderes III, CGCS at Queenstown Harbor Golf Course, Annapolis, Md. (national public category); and Joshua Kelley, The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club at Grande Lakes, Orlando, Fla., (national resort category).
Tierney was recognized for a water-farming project in Switzerland, while Anderes was honored for his efforts at helping Queenstown Harbor achieve the distinction of using 100 percent renewable energy sources; and Kelley also manages 33 acres set aside for wildlife habitat at The Ritz in Orlando.
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Valent delivers SureGuard for weed control in Bermuda
Just in time for this year's Golf Industry Show, Valent Professional has come out with SureGuard herbicide for summer weed control in Bermudagrass and landscape beds.
With the active ingredient flumioxazin, SureGuard is labeled for pre-emergent control of goosegrass, crabgrass and other broadleaf and grassy weeds in Bermudagrass.
Because SureGuard binds to the soil and has low water solubility, a single, late-winter application is all that is required.
SureGuard also delivers pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua and annual broadleaf weeds such as chickweed, henbit and bittercress when applied in late fall to dormant Bermudagrass.
For more information, visit
Florida GCSA continues to support research, charitable causes
The Florida GCSA and its 11 chapters donated a total of $163,566 to turf research and charitable organizations in 2012.
That total includes $25,000 raised through a golf tournament that was donated to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. During the past 25 years, the Florida GCSA has raised more than $350,000 for this cause alone.
Research projects funded by the Florida GCSA include studies into more sustainable turf varieties, chemical and fertilizer use efficiency, water use and conservation and wildlife conservation.
For more information, visit
Bayer settles on agronomist for tech rep position
Derek Settle, Ph.D., recently was named a technical service representative for Bayer Environmental Science. Settle, director of turfgrass programs with the Chicago District Golf Association, will begin in his new position Feb. 1.
As part of the company's Green Solutions Team, Settle will be responsible for providing scientific expertise for customers in the Southwest and Southeast.
Founded in 2009, Bayer's Green Solutions Team provides scientific support and technical product training to regional sales teams, distributors and end-user customers.
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