Velocity PM is registered for control of Poa annua, Poa trivialis and many broadleaf weeds.
Golf course superintendents will get a chance to take their first look at the newest tool from Nufarm to manage Poa annua at the upcoming GCSAA Conference and Trade Show in Phoenix.
With the active ingredient bispyribac sodium, Velocity PM is a Poa transition tool for both postemergence control and seedhead suppression to support a transition program that is speedy, gradual or anywhere in between.
Velocity PM has also been shown to substantially suppress the development and severity of dollar spot for up to several weeks following application.
Velocity PM is registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for selective management of Poa annua, Poa trivialis and a host of broadleaf weeds in creeping bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, dormant Bermudagrass and dormant Bermudagrass overseeded with perennial ryegrass on golf courses, sod farms and athletic fields.
It also is labeled for use to control of common chickweed, sticky chickweed, white clover, large clover, hop clover, dandelion, henbit, lawn burweed, parsley-piert, plantain, broadleaf plantain, buckhorn plantain, swinecress, yellow nutsedge and yellow woodsorrel.