For the fourth straight year, Aquatrols and TurfNet are presenting Water Week, a series of five free Webinars on smart water use presented daily from Oct. 14 through Oct. 18 by some of the industry's leading experts on water use and conservation.
Each Webinar begins at 1 p.m. EDT and is one hour in duration. Each also is approved by the GCSAA for 0.1 CEU. That's a total of 0.5 CEUs FREE, courtesy of Aquatrols.
Water Week kicks off Monday, Oct. 14 when John Cisar, Ph.D., of the University of Florida discusses practical advice on how and when to use surfactants in his presentation entitled Practical Surfactant Strategies for Improving Turfgrass Quality.
Erik Ervin, Ph.D., of Virginia Tech gets things started on Day 2 when he explains how soil surfactants work to alleviate soil water repellency and allow for more uniform dehydration avoidance in Soil Surfactants and Amino Acids for Improved Creeping Bentgrass Dehydration Avoidance.
On Day 3, Larry Lennert of Aquatrols will present Bicarbonate in Irrigation Water during which he will discuss the effects on turfgrass of bicarbonate, which is one of the harshest salts found in irrigation water, as well as a review of current academic research on the topic.
On Thursday, Oct. 17, Stan Kostka, Ph.D., of Aquatrols will discuss the benefits of surfactant-coated grass seed in water-repellent soils in his presentation entitled Surfactant Seed Coating Technology. Kostka will take a unique approach in this presentation, citing research and results from post-wildfire restoration efforts, and he will apply those findings to turfgrass establishment on golf courses.
The week concludes on Day 5, Friday, Oct. 18 with Bryan Hopkins, Ph.D., of Brigham Young University discussion Wetting Front Impacts the Turf, Environment, Pests and Profits. This talk will focus on how solvents and water move through the soil profile and how they affect the turf, pests, surface water contamination, ground water contamination, atmospheric pollution, water conservation efforts and a turf manager's bottom line.
Can't make it to Water Week? Don't worry, all five presentations will be available on our archive site and CEUs will apply through the end of the year.