For a couple of years now Larry Stowell, Ph.D., and Wendy Gelernter, Ph.D., the founders of Pace Turf, have been treating golf course superintendents to their series of video tips that focus on common season turf management advice.

Keynote speaker will be psychologist Dr. Rich Hycner, who will speak on managing the emotional stress under which professional turf managers operate.
Other speakers will include John Kaminski, Ph.D., of Pennsylvania State University, Craig Kessler of the Southern California Golf Association, Tyler Mock of the University of California, Riverside, Jeff Jensen of the GCSAA, and Bruce Williams, CGCS, of the California Turfgrass and Landscape Foundation. Topics will include objective advice relating to current research on disease, weed and insect control, and soil and water management.
Registration is $165 in advance and $195 at the door. The event typically attracts about 125 professional turfgrass managers.
Founded in 1993, Pace is a research service that provides education and science-based solutions and expert advice to professional turfgrass managers.
For more information, or to register, email Wendy Gelernter or call her at 858-272-9897.