Kappelman, who is superintendent at Sharp Park Golf Course, an Alister MacKenzie designed owned by the City and County of San Francisco, will receive the award at the chapters annual meeting, scheduled for Jan. 13 at Oakhurst Country Club in Clayton, Calif.
The association also will honor former University of California Cooperative Extensive specialist Ali Harivandi, Ph.D., with the GSANC Presidents Award for his contributions to turfgrass and irrigation water research.
Other award recipients will include Randal Gai, CGCS, formerly of Claremont Country Club (George Santana Distinguished Service Award); Jim Ferrin, CGCS at Sun City Roseville and Jason Goss of Sonoma Golf Club (public and private sector Turfgrass Excellence Awards, respectively); and Adrian Bertens of Hydro Engineering and Mike Ligon of Jacobsen West (Bert Graves Affiliate Merit Award).
In other news, former GCSAA president Steve Cadenelli, CGCS, and turf pathologists Bruce Clarke, Ph.D., of Rutgers University and Bruce Martin, Ph.D., of Clemson University have been named as recipients of this year's GCSAA John Morley Distinguished Service Awards. The awards will be presented at this year's Golf Industry Show that is scheduled for February in Orlando, Fla. Cadenelli spent more than 40 years as a golf course superintendent at clubs throughout the Northeast, including at the Country Club of New Canaan in New Canaan, Conn., Metedeconk National Golf Club in Jackson, N.J., and Cape Cod National Golf Club in Brewster, Mass. Clarke is chairman of the department of plant biology and pathology and director of the Center for Turfgrass Science at Rutgers, where he has been a member of the faculty since 1982. His research has focused on managing cool-season turf diseases such as anthracnose, gray leaf spot and patch diseases. His work has resulted in widespread implementation of new control strategies. Martin has been a research scientist in the plant pathology and physiology division of Clemson's department of entomology, soils and plant sciences for 26 years and has been a leader in developing strategies for managing creeping bentgrass in warm-weather locations. His work has focused mostly on developing management programs with fungicides and nematicides. In 2010, Martin received the Carolinas GCSA Distinguished Service Award as well as the Clemson Alumni Association's Alumni Distinguished Cooperative Extension Public Service Award. Named for the founder and inaugural president of the GCSAA, the Morley award is given annually to those who have made an outstanding, substantive and enduring contribution to the advancement of the golf course superintendent profession.