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From the TurfNet NewsDesk

  • John Reitman
    In an effort to better understand and meet the changing needs of its customers, BASF is merging its turf & ornamental and pest control divisions along with professional vegetation management and market business development units into the specialty products department.
    The consolidation will help streamline the research and development process leading to new innovations, said Jan Buberl, director of specialty products.
    In the short term, BASF customers probably wont notice any changes in their day-to-day interactions with the company, but that should change over time, Buberl said.
    "They should see a difference in more innovation to the marketplace," Buberl said.
    "Having these businesses come together as one strengthens BASF and its commitment to the specialty markets, and the acquisition of Becker Underwood underscores a continued commitment and investment to grow," Nevin McDougall, senior vice president of the companys North American crop protection segment said in a news release. "The new SPD unit will be built to last for the long term, while meeting the needs of customers in these markets."
    New innovations will become more significant as some major chemistries near the end of patent protection during the next few years, as well as a natural coming together as well as overlap of efforts between business segments.
    "The question we faced is how can we make sure we are ahead of the curve," Buberl said
    "We want to put everything together as one team, one organization. We identified key trends. Innovation is a critical piece. It wasnt in the past, but it will be in the future."
    Economic considerations were a factor as well.
    While some indicators point toward some level of economic recovery, "the reality is that the marketplace will never be the same as it was prior to the U.S. economical crisis," Buberl said.
    The change will mean relocating the companys pest control division from St. Louis to Research Triangle Park, N.C. That move involves relocation of 25-30 employees. Dan Carrothers, formerly business manager of the pest control division, and Brian Lish, formerly business manager of T&O, have been named the new divisions marketing manager and strategic account manager, respectively.
    Buberl said the move is an investment in the future both for BASF and its customers. While the consolidation eventually should lead to a reduction in the cost of operations, any savings will be pumped back into the system to support new product development, he said.
    "We will reinvest in research and development," Buberl said. "These are not savings to be put to the bottom line."
    The newly restructured specialty products department will be in place by March 31.  
  • Not going to San Diego this year? No problem, the New York State Turfgrass  has you covered.
    NYSTAs 2013 Southeast Regional Conference offers plenty of educational resources for professional turfgrass managers who might not be headed to the Golf Industry Show.
    The two-day event scheduled for Jan. 22-23 at the Ramada Inn in Fishkill, N.Y., offers a total of 11 seminars totaling more than .95 GCSAA-approved CEUs in golf turf, sports turf and landscape management, including a half-day seminar (.35 CEUs) on Day 1 by Erik Ervin, Ph.D., of Virginia Tech on Organic Biostimulants and Synthetic Plant Growth Regulators.
    Other speakers include Nathanial Mitkowski, Ph.D., of the University of Rhode Island, Tamson Yeh, Ph.D., of Cornell University, Ken Benoit Jr. of the Metropolitan GCSA and more.
    Some of the other topics offered on Day 2 include Turfgrass Zombie: Reanimating Your Dead Turf, Early Season Patch Diseases, BMP Manual Update, Naturalized Grassy Area Management, Difficult Diseases to Diagnose Bacterial Wilt and Nematodes, Pros and Cons of Using Ethanol Fuels and more.
    Conference registration is $185 per person for NYSTA members and $220 for nonmembers.
    For more information, or to register visit www.nysta.org.
  • News and people briefs

    By John Reitman, in News,

    Oregon State taps ABAC professor to fill post
    Alec Kowalewski, Ph.D., has been named the new turf specialist at Oregon State University.
    Most recently an assistant professor of turf management at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Georgia, Kowalewski replaces Rob Golembiewski, Ph.D., who left Oregon State last year for a position with Bayer Environmental Science.
    A Michigan State alumnus, Kowalewskis position is funded in part by an endowment created by the family of OSU alumnus Nat Giustina. He will be aided by research assistant Brian McDonald.
    Among some of the research projects he is considering at Oregon State include performance of low-input turfgrasses as well as organic pesticides.
      Nufarm buys Cleary
    Nufarm Americas recently acquired Cleary Chemical Corp., the Dayton, N.J.-based marketer of fungicides, insecticides and plant growth regulators to the turf and ornamental horticulture industries.
    The acquisition, which closed December 31, 2012, will  expand the portfolio of Nufarm, which will continue to offer the entire line of Cleary-branded products. Nufarm is telling customers to continue to contact their Cleary representatives for information on that product line.
    According to Nufarm, Cleary had sales of about $11 million last year.
    For more information, visit www.nufarm.com.
    Florida OK's Arystas XONERATE
    The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has approved Arysta LifeSciences XONERATE herbicide for sale and distribution.
    A total of 45 states have approved label registration of the herbicide that contains the active ingredient amicarbizone for control of annual bluegrass on golf course and athletic turf.
    Available in a water-dispersible granular formulation, XONERATE can be used on warm-season grasses such as Bermudagrass and Seashore Paspalum.
    For more information, visit eliminatepoa.com.
  • Slow and steady

    By John Reitman, in News,

    For most professional turf managers, the question of using irrigation water of poor quality and less of it is a matter of when, not if. Researchers at New Mexico State University recently completed a study aimed at determining whether water-saving irrigation systems coupled with supplies of poor quality water could be an acceptable method for establishing newly seeded turf areas.
    Although subsurface drip lines might be an effective way to conserve water, when it comes to establishing turf its hard to be an overhead sprinkler.
    That is the take-home message from the study completed in 2011. But all hope is not lost.
    According to the study, newly seeded plots of tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass generally showed more cover 30 days after establishment when watered with an overhead sprinkler than those irrigated with a subsurface capillary system.
    The results of the study recently were published in Agronomy Journal.
    Plots were seeded Sept. 28, 2009 and Oct. 28, 2010 with tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass and irrigated with saline and potable water through both delivery methods.
    After the first year of the study, plots irrigated with a sprinkler system showed an average of 4,000 tall fescue seedlings per square meter 30 days after seeding, while there were an average of 2,800 seedlings per square meter in areas watered with the subsurface capillary system. The delivery systems used resulted in more significant differences in coverage than the potable or saline water source.
    It also took the plots irrigated with the subsurface system much longer to achieve acceptable turf coverage. On average, plots watered with a sprinkler system achieved 75 percent coverage after 189 days while those areas irrigated with the subsurface system did not achieve 75 percent coverage until 268 days after seeding regardless of which water source was used.
    The researchers concluded that subsurface systems are adequate for establishment of cool-season turf, but turf managers should expect a slower grow-in period than if a standard sprinkler system were used. However, they also noted that further research is necessary to determine whether a subsurface system will provide acceptable turf quality over time, particularly with low-quality irrigation water.
  • An ultralight plane made an emergency landing Tuesday, January 1, on the sixth hole of the Viera East Golf Course in Rockledge, Florida, and rolling into this bunker.
    The plane took off from the Rockledge Airpark, but soon after was forced to touch down.
    According to Scott Mosher, superintendent at Viera East, there were no injuries but the bunker had to be dressed up a bit after the plane was removed.
    Photo credit: cfnews13.com.
  • Building on the success of its almost-20 year presence in the golf turf industry, TurfNet will soon launch a companion service for sports turf managers: TurfNetSports.com.  The public and members-only content areas will include news, discussion forums, educational Webinars, blogs, used equipment classifieds, job listings, resumes and video.
    We have always had a group of professional and collegiate sports turf managers as TurfNet members, said Peter McCormick, founder of TurfNet.  They and others in the sports turf community have told us that industry segment is hungry for sports turf-specific education, information and collaborative communication which is what we do best. We took a look at the market and saw an opportunity, so we decided to replicate our proven platform and launch TurfNetSports.com.
    The new service will include all the improvements of the recently-unveiled upgrade of TurfNet.com, which brought together the Forum, TurfNetTV, TurfNet University, the hugely popular TurfNet Job Board, various blogs and an enhanced user interface and administrative area in a tightly-integrated platform.
    TurfNetSports membership will be open to sports turf managers at all levels, from parks and recreation to secondary schools, colleges and professional stadium managers. Crossover access between the two sites will be available for TurfNet and TNSports members.
    The current corrective state of the golf market has been mirrored by an upswell in the growth and sophistication of sports turf, said McCormick.  Many of our advertisers have shifted new product development efforts in recent years toward sports turf, which is also an expanding career opportunity for experienced turf managers and recent graduates alike.
    In addition to general athletic field information and education, specific areas like baseball infields and synthetic turf will be included.
    The new site will launch prior to the STMA conference in mid-January.
  • Virginia GCSA clarifies fertilizer applicator licensing questions
    The Virginia Agribusiness Council has worked with the Virginia GCSA in determining whether golf courses are required to have fertilizer applicator licenses. According to the states consumer protection office: Unless the golf course is a licensee or contractor-applicator who applies fertilizer for commercial purposes or the golf course is owned by a state agency or locality, the golf course does not need to employ or retain the services of a certified fertilizer applicator.
    A licensee is a person who received a license to distribute fertilizer. A contractor-applicator is a person required to hold a permit because he applies certain regulated products, including fertilizer, for profit. Golf courses that do not distribute fertilizer or apply fertilizer for profit would not be required to employ or retain the services of a certified fertilizer applicator. If a golf course hires a third party to apply its fertilizer, that third party would likely be required to employ or retain the services of a certified fertilizer applicator.
    A golf course that is owned by a state agency or locality is required to employ or retain the services of a certified fertilizer applicator.
    The next Bandon coming to a course not so near you
    The golf course design firm of Fry/Straka soon will begin work on a new project that its architects believe could be akin to the next Bandon Dunes or Sand Hills. Theres one catch not only will the course be located halfway around the world in China, it will be in the remote reaches of Inner Mongolia.
    According to GolfCourseArchitecture.net, Batu Bay Golf Club will be part of a resort overlooking the Batu Bay reservoir, a three hour drive from the regional capital, Ordos. The golf course, along with a hotel, will be built among sand dunes above the reservoir.
    According to architect Dana Fry (pictured here), managed turf areas will be about 50 percent wider than that on a normal golf course because of the high winds on the site that is about 100 feet above the lakes surface.
    Construction of the course is scheduled to begin in May, with the opening planned for summer 2014. For those thinking of playing the layout, the closest airport is in Yulin City, about an hour's drive away.
    Irrigation Association offers online education, too
    The Irrigation Association recently updated online learning tools for irrigation professionals. Online education classes are back up and running, alongside new irrigation seminars, allowing certified professionals to satisfy their CEU requirements.
    Six online courses at four CEUs each are available.
    A series of 17 one-hour irrigation seminars videotaped at the 2011 Irrigation Show and Innovations in Education Conference for one CEU each.
    Online courses include:
    Agriculture Irrigation Hydraulics
    Agriculture Sprinklers and Precipitation Rates
    Landscape Irrigation Hydraulics
    Electrical Troubleshooting for Landscape Irrigation Systems
    Landscape Irrigation Precipitation Rates
    Landscape Irrigation Scheduling
    Lessons are hands-on and interactive, allowing students to assess their performance and move forward at their own pace.
    The irrigation seminar videos offer a great opportunity to add to your knowledge base while gaining CEUs. Irrigation seminars address irrigation industry best practices the underlying concepts and implementation of efficient irrigation. With nine turf/landscape and eight agriculture sessions to choose from, the new irrigation seminars offer CEU opportunities across industry segments.
  • As the host superintendent of the 2012 U.S. Open, the past year has been a whirlwind for Pat Finlen, CGCS. As the next president of the GCSAA, the next 12 months could be just as hectic.
    Among the items high on Finlen's priority list after he officially is named president in February at the Golf Industry Show in San Diego is the continuation of outreach to chapters by filling the last two field staff positions and advocating on behalf of the golf industry to seek new revenue streams while keeping a close eye on expenses.
    The financial crunch of the past five years has hit many entities hard, and the GCSAA is no exception.
    Since 2008, association revenue has dropped from $21 million to $15 million, and its paid staff has gone from 125 to 87.
    Increasing revenue, Finlen hopes, will mean increasing membership. And that will require the GCSAA to crack a market penetration rate that has historically hovered around 52-54 percent.
    "That's always been a challenge," Finlen said. "It's always been a challenge to move that."
    Part of that effort includes increasing its number of field staff representatives to nine in 2013 by filling two open positions in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast. It also means advocating for the overall health of the game by meeting with legislators in Washington, D.C. Past efforts, such as National Golf Day, have been a way for members of the PGA of America, GCSAA and other entities to educate elected officials about economic issues specific to golf and the impact of decisions in Washington on the roughly 2 million people employed in golf.
    "We advocate for all of golf, not just the GCSAA," Finlen said. "We present a unified front, and its important that all of golf is unified.
    "We advocate for nonmembers too. There are issues that affect golf that come down to regional levels. There are pesticide issues, water studies. We reach out to golf courses in those areas, and we represent golf facilities everywhere, not just GCSAA members.
    "We know things are going to get tougher from a regulatory standpoint. Every course is painted with the same brush. But when we carry a unified message it carries more weight."
    Like many, Finlen is optimistic about the game's future. And that optimism is supported by data from Golf Datatech in November indicating that increases in rounds played late in 2012 could indicate record-high growth since the firm in Kissimmee, Fla., began tracking such information in 1999.
    "I think weve hit rock bottom," Finlen said. "A lot of courses around the country had a great spring and fall."
    Still, sustained growth is going to take a group effort that includes supporting efforts such as the PGA's Golf 2.0 initiative, and facilities maintaining an open mind about more forward tees to make the game easier and more enjoyable for high handicappers and unorthodox ideas such as time-saving six-hole rounds.
    "We have to make it fun and encourage more people to play," he said. "It doesn't have to be 18 holes. We have to get more creative in how we package golf. Then people will come out to play."
  • According to a three-year study conducted by researchers at Rutgers University, a program of lightweight rolling not only can help superintendents produce truer, firmer greens, it also can aid in reducing the incidence of anthracnose in annual bluegrass putting surfaces.
    Results of the three-year study, which occurred in 2006-08, were posted in mid-2012 in Agronomy Journal.
    The objective of the study was to determine the influence of different types of rollers and their location on the green on turf quality and anthracnose development in annual bluegrass. Previous studies have shown a wide array of results, including hampered turf quality under a program of double rolling four to seven days per week, as well as studies showing no negative impact from lightweight rolling programs.
    In the Rutgers study, undertaken by Bruce Clarke, Ph.D., Jim Murphy, Ph.D., and Joseph Roberts, vibratory rollers attached to a triplex mower and sidewinder rollers were used along the center and perimeter of each putting surface. The study also included an unrolled control plot.
    The plot was initially inoculated with anthracnose two years before the study began and sand topdressing was applied bi-weekly from May to September each year of the study. Plots were rolled every other day after mowing throughout the growing season in all three years of the study.
    Disease outbreak consistently was more severe in the center of the plots throughout the duration of the study, and roller type had no significant effect on increased disease severity. In fact, incidence of anthracnose often was reduced due to rolling.
    Contrary to some previous studies indicating that lightweight rolling could result in compaction, the Rutgers study showed no increase in soil bulk density. Only location affected soil bulk density, with perimeter plots showing an increase. So, while soil bulk density in the perimeter plots increased, the incidence of anthracnose in those areas due to rolling did not.
    The researchers concluded the increased compaction in the perimeter plots could be due to clean-up passes, directional changes and both vibratory and sidewinder rollers can be used to increase ball speed without promoting, and sometimes reducing anthracnose severity.
  • For professional turf managers who want their water, like Maxwell House coffee, to be good to the last drop, Toro recently launched its AquaFlow 3.2 drip irrigation software. 

    AquaFlow 3.2 allows users to design multi-sloped telescoping sub mains, can be customized for English or Spanish speaking users and measures water use in English or metric units. 

    The system also supports Toros latest Thinwall dripline system. It also has an enhanced pull-down menu, offers improved reporting options and can instantly generate color-coded block maps that show system uniformity. 

    The new system, which complements Toros 3.0 system, also offers users the ability to employ multiple sub-main and mainline pipe types and sizes and determine lateral and sub-main flushing calculations. 

    For more information, visit www.toro.com . 
  • For the past several years, there have been hints of cross-pollination among golf industry pesticide producers as they seek answers to the ever-changing demands of their customers and the pressures placed upon them from outside entities. Indeed, the quest for sustainability has resulted in a series of cooperative relationships among companies that are otherwise competitors as they come together to recognize each others strengths and how all can benefit from sharing technologies. 

    The most recent example of this philosophy brings together not two, but three of the green industrys major chemical pesticide manufacturers and includes with Spread it & Forget it controlled-release fertilizer from Agrium Advanced Technologies in combination with one of two herbicide products Barricade from Syngenta or Dimension from Dow AgroSciences . 

    Both combination products are available in a granular formulation that allows professional turf managers can fertilize up to once every six months in a program that also delivers pre-emergent control of grassy weeds such as crabgrass. 

    The Spread it & Forget it label is based on Agriums Duration CR controlled-release fertilizer technology that the company acquired when it bought Pursell Technologies in 2006. Duration features a polymer coating derived from natural plant oils, and the controlled-release technology means less chance of leaching. 

    Syngentas Barricade, with the active ingredient prodiamine, is labeled for pre-emergent control of a variety of grassy weeds including crabgrass in established turf varieties such as kikuyugrass, seashore paspalum, zoysiagrass. 

    With the active ingredient dithiopyr, Dimension is Dow AgroSciences specialty herbicide is labeled for pre-emergent and post-emergent control of crabgrass, goosegrass, spurge and Poa annua on greens, tees and fairways in a host of warm- and cool-season grasses. 

    Although such reciprocal arrangements have occurred with increasing regularity in agriculture, they are less common in the turf and ornamental industry. In 2008, BASF struck an accord with Bayer to supply the latter with the fungicide triticonazole for use in golf, sports turf, landscape and lawn care applications. While such partnerships might seem unthinkable when walking through the delineated trade show floor at GIS, they could be more common as professional turf managers continue to face new challenges brought about by changing management standards, natures self-defense mechanisms and pressure to attain sustainability. 
  • With questionable access to adequate supplies of water the new normal or a persistent threat for many in the golf business, being a smart water user is important for todays professional turfgrass manager.
    Scheduled for Jan. 24 at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center at Michigan State University in East Lansing, the Rain Bird Intelligent Use of Water Summit is a half-day series of seminars for designed to help educate golf course superintendents, sports turf managers and others about efficient water use practices. 

    The interactive summit will consist of a series of three moderator-led panel discussions on water quality and turfgrass science, irrigation technology and sports turf design, and golf and the environment. Each topic will include two parts, and moderators include Kevin Frank, Ph.D., of Michigan State, Paul Roche of Rain Bird, Ken Mangum of Atlanta Athletic Club, Shawn Emerson of Desert Mountain, Ali Harivandi, Ph.D., of the University of California Cooperative Extension, Stacy Bonos, Ph.D., of Rutgers University, Mitchell Langley of MDL Consulting and Mike Boekholder of the Philadelphia Phillies. 

    The event also will include a keynote address by Charles Fishman, author of The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water (Free Press, 2012). 

    Click here to register.
  • Although most products that will be on display at the upcoming Golf Industry Show either in a booth or a catalog have been subjected to rigorous independent testing long before they made their way to market, its important for superintendents to make sure these products work on their respective properties before adopting them wholesale. 

    Thats the advice of USGA Green Section regional agronomist Todd Lowe in the most recent edition of the Green Section Record. (Click here to read the full text.) 

    Chemical products typically undergo years of university testing to ensure safety and efficacy under a variety of conditions, there are many products that promise not to harm turf while improving its health, vigor and appearance, such as bio-stimulants, soil microbes and other amendments that are not required to go through similar testing, Lowe wrote. 

    Lowe and his colleagues at the Green Section recommend that superintendents establish on-site test plots to make sure any new product that is to be applied to golf course turf works as promised and does not harm the turf or pose a threat to those who apply them or those who play on them. With budgets under increasing scrutiny it is important that turf managers spend dollars only on products that work as advertised 

    Nursery greens are ideal for studying products, Lowe wrote.. If the product is for tees, fairways, or roughs, then an out-of-sight location on the practice area or driving range might be suitable. It is imperative to include untreated check plots by covering an area of turf during application. This can be as easy as laying down a sheet of plywood on the turf prior to application. Make sure to mark the corners of the untreated area with turf paint so that treatment effects can be evaluated. 

    Be aware that some products contain fertilizer, and make sure that the transient improvement is not simply a reaction to additional nitrogen. Evaluate the color, but also turf density and rooting as well. 

  • James Watson, Ph.D., a former agronomist with The Toro Co., will receive the Don A. Rossi Award from the Golf Course Builders Association. 

    Watson began his four-decade career with The Toro Company in 1952 as director of agronomy. He continued on as a vice president of customer relations, serving as an advisor for both the company and the turf industry. 
    In his 46 years with Toro, Watson pioneered important turf and water management research and was often called upon for advice and counsel by many of the worlds leading golf courses, parks and sports facilities. He was also influential in Toros entry into the commercial and residential irrigation business, constantly promoting conservation and more efficient use of water resources. With Toro, he led a team of 25 researchers, conducting studies on a variety of grasses and soils to ensure best management practices in fertilization and water usage, as well as approaches for controlling unwanted grasses, turf diseases and pests. 

    Since his retirement from Toro in 1998, Toros research grounds have been designated as the Dr. James R. Watson Research and Development Proving Grounds. During his career, he also participated on a number of prestigious turf and water management boards, organizations and research efforts. Watson was the inspiration behind Toros cutting-edge turf and water management agronomic research, and development of the companys Center for Advanced Turf Technology. 

    The Rossi award is given by the GCBAA to honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the game of golf and its growth and who have inspired others by example. It is named for the former GCBAA executive director Don A. Rossi, who also served as executive director of the National Golf Foundation from 1970 to 1983 and was instrumental in forming the National Golf Course Owners Association. 

    Watson will receive the award Feb. 5, at the Golf Industry Show in San Diego. 
  • Bucking the trend

    By John Reitman, in News,

    For superintendents managing cool-season grass, seeking advice from university researchers on the best ways to treat for or prevent anthracnose often has been like a trip to the doctor: "Take a dose of a fungicide, put it into a rotational program and call me in the morning." 

    Not one to shy away from challenging the status quo, Michigan State University turfgrass pathologist Joe Vargas, Ph.D., says that implementing a rotational program for diseases such as anthracnose are exactly what you shouldnt do. 

    "I hope before I die, because it won't happen before I retire, that I never hear another person stand up and say don't forget to practice resistance management by rotating chemistries," Vargas said during the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Conference and Show earlier this month in Columbus. 

    According to Vargas, a fungus eventually will become resistant to whatever is being applied to it for control. If that treatment is a rotation of multiple chemistries, once the fungus becomes resistant to one product it becomes resistant to everything else in that program even if those fungicides represent separate classes of chemistry. Contrary to some information available in the field today, Vargas said turfgrass managers will get control for an extended period of time if they use just one fungicide at a time.
    "If you rotate chemistries, the fungus will become resistant to everything you put in that rotation. It's called population pressure. What survives depends on the pressure put on the population," Vargas said. 

    "You're far better off using one until it doesn't work any more and then switching to the next until it doesn't work any more and then the next one. You will increase the life expectancy of all of those chemicals."

    He is referring mostly to chemistries such as QOI-inhibitors, thiophanate-methyl and DMI fungicides. Diseases like anthracnose already have developed varying levels of resistance to those chemistries depending on location. 
    "If it was me, and it wasn't too late," he said of the chemistries thiophanate-methyl and azoxystrobin, "I would choose a fungicide and use it, use it and use it until it doesn't work any more. Then I would go to the other one until it doesn't work any more. If you put them into a rotation, the fungus quickly will be resistant to both, because the survival of the population depends on the pressure you put on that population." 

    Although Vargas discussed chemical alternatives for preventive and curative control of troublesome summer diseases such as anthracnose, brown patch and take-all patch, he also offered options that relied on cultural practices alone or in concert with a fertility program. 

    Those diseases, said Vargas, often lie in virtual dormancy waiting for the opportune moment to pop. Often, the trigger is saturated turf when soil temperatures are high in July and August. 

    Periods of deep, infrequent irrigation coupled with regular fertility can help prevent summer patch on annual bluegrass, take-all patch in bentgrass and anthracnose, which affects annual bluegrass in northern climates and bentgrass in the South. 

    "You can't do much about the rain, but (when its not raining) you can avoid saturated soil with deep, infrequent irrigation program," he said. "You'll have a lot less summer patch and take-all patch."

    Summer patch is an effective biological control for annual bluegrass, but is not one Vargas recommends for those for whom job security is important.
    Summer diseases in cool-season turf often go misdiagnosed and improperly treated by turfgrass managers, Vargas said. He urges superintendents, when submitting soil samples for analysis, to include a digital image of the damage at the surface. Often times, he said, a turfgrass manager will treat for what he believes is one of summers major turf disease threats while awaiting results of a soil test only to have the problem officially diagnosed as something else, such as nematode damage or the result of poor drainage. 

    "Take a picture of the damage with a digital camera and submit that with the sample so we know what it looks like," he said. 

    Several research projects, Vargas said, show that a regular nutrition program that includes monthly feedings, regular topdressing (to the point where the crown is covered in sand) and frugal water use can effectively curb anthracnose and other summer diseases. Foliar fertilizers used in combination with chlorothalonil also have been effective, he said. 

    Vargas cited research by Bruce Clarke, Ph.D., of Rutgers University that showed that use of plant growth regulators also can help reduce the potential for anthracnose. 

    Summer patch is an effective biological control for annual bluegrass, but is not one Vargas recommends for those for whom job security is important. 

    "If you can get enough of these patches on your greens," he said, "the superintendent who replaces you will have nice, creeping bentgrass greens."
  • The International Golf Course Equipment Managers Association is accepting nominations for its Edwin Budding Award . 

    Sponsored by Ransomes-Jacobsen, the award recognizes golf course equipment managers who have made significant contributions to the golf course equipment industry and who have dedicated themselves to improving the industry and their facilities. The award is named for Edwin Budding who invented the reel mower in 1832, as well as the adjustable spanner/crescent wrench. 

    The Award Committee is made up of industry leaders and a member of the IGCEMA. Once nominations are sent in they will be submitted to the committee for review. We would encourage those who wish to nominate someone for this award to be very detailed in describing why you feel this individual should receive this award and what measurable attributes set this individual apart from their colleagues. 

    Click here to nominate a tech for the award. Deadline for nominations is Dec. 31. 

    In other association news, the IGCEMA has named founder Stephen Tucker as its chief executive officer. This will be the second stint as CEO for Tucker, the golf course equipment manager at TPC Four Seasons Resort in Irving, Texas, who founded the association seven years ago. Since then, Tucker has been the driving force behind an educational certificate program that allows equipment managers to test on and earn certificates in six disciplines. 
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