Scheduled for Feb. 28-March 3 at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Dallas, the four-day event is built specifically for turfgrass professionals who want to grow their knowledge of turfgrass systems and how to manage them.
The course moves in progression from site preparation and turf selection to establishment and management.
The curriculum is approved for 5 GCSAA credits, and topics to be presented by industry experts: Principles of Soil Science; Soil and Water Testing; Introductory Turfgrass Physiology; Turfgrass Identification and Selection; Turfgrass Planting and Establishment; Turfgrass Nutrient Management; Fertilizer Calculations and Calibrations; Water Quality Management; Turfgrass Cultivation Practices; Integrated Pest Management; Weed Management for Turf and Herbicide Resistance; Insect Identification and Management; Disease Identification and Management; Field Scouting and Diagnostic Sampling; Sprayer Calculations and Calibrations for Fertilizer and Pesticide Applications.
The event also will include tours of local turfgrass facilities, including PGA Frisco and FC Dallas.
Cost for the program is $600 per person. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are included.