Now we know.
A total of about 6,500 people attended this year's show in San Diego. That figure is down 45 percent from the last two live shows, 2020 in Orlando (12,000) and 2019 in San Diego (11,900).
Understandably, there were fewer vendors on hand this year, with more than 300 exhibitors showing their wares this year, which is down significantly from 2019 in San Diego (510) and 2020 in Orlando (500-plus), according to GCSAA data.
Education is the big draw at the GCSAA show, and this year, 3,700 seminar seats were filled. That number is down from the past two live shows where about 5,400 seats were sold both years.
For those who were unable to attend this year's in-person show, the GCSAA is holding a two-day virtual education event scheduled for Feb. 23-24.
Next year's show is scheduled for Feb. 4-9 in Orlando.