News and people briefs
By John Reitman, in News,
Applications for the 2019 Syngenta Business Institute program are due Aug. 13. Golf course superintendents can apply online to attend the popular professional development program.
During the three-day business-development and networking program, faculty from the nationally ranked Wake Forest University School of Business will focus on key topics, such as financial management, navigating generational and cultural differences, leadership skills, effective communication and negotiation tactics.
The program will be held Dec. 3-6 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Approximately 25 superintendents will be selected to attend. Since its inception, more than 250 superintendents have graduated from SBI.
In other news, the latest control solutions from Syngenta are now registered for use on California golf courses to help improve turf quality and playability. Appear II and Secure Action fungicides provide superintendents with enhanced control of some of the most prevalent turf diseases, while the Divanem nematicide spot treatment rate delivers stronger turf through proven, broad-spectrum nematode control.
Secure Action includes a boost of acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) to help condition turf, so it performs at its best during the season and quickly recovers from biotic stress, like dollar spot, and abiotic stress, such as drought and heat. It also increases the dollar spot control interval from 14 to 21 days.
Appear II controls diseases like Pythium, while enhancing color, turf quality and stress tolerance in warm- and cool-season grasses. Additionally, it is fromulated for optimal resuspension and mixability with Daconil Action or Secure Action fungicides for use in an agronomic program to control additional diseases like anthracnose and leaf spot.
The Divanem spot treatment rate of 12.2 ounces/10,000 square feet enhances control of nematodes, including Anguina, spiral, lance, root-knot and sting nematodes, while improving root quality for stronger, healthier turf that recovers more quickly from stress. The Divanem supplemental label must be in the user's possession at the time of spot treatment. Existing Divanem inventory may be used at the spot treatment rate, as long as the supplemental label is readily available.
California OK's PBI-Gordon's Pedigree
The California Environmental Protection Agency has approved PBI-Gordon's Pedigree Fungicide SC from PBI Gordon for control of a variety of diseases on warm- and cool-season turfgrass.
With the active ingredient flutolanil, Pedigree is labeled for control of brown patch, fairy ring, leaf and sheath spot, large patch, red thread, pink patch, yellow patch, southern blight and gray snow mold in creeping bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, annual bluegrass, annual and perennial ryegrass, red fescue, tall fescue, Bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass.
Turfco adds front-mount seeder attachment
Turfco added a front-mounted drop seeder attachment for use with its TurnAer XT8 aerator that lets operators aerate and seed at the same time, over the same aeration pattern.
The drop seeder's 2.5 cubic-foot hopper holds up to 60 pounds of seed. Seed rate dispersal is controlled by a hopper-mounted dial. The seed box spreads seed across a 30-inch swath, matching the aeration pattern.
Powered by a 22 hp Briggs & Stratton engine, the XT8 has the ability to cover up to 2 acres of turf per hour over any terrain.