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From the TurfNet NewsDesk

  • John Reitman
    DryJect soon will have a solution for superintendents who do not have access to or the budget for kiln-dried sand during aerification and topdressing.
    Through extensive research and development, DryJect has engineered a special hopper configuration that includes rotating agitation and staged screening with vibratory assistance to assure flow of damp and even wet sand through its all-in-one aerification and topdressing system.
    This new capability will be available through select DryJect regional service centers by October, with most outlets coming online through winter and spring of next year.
    Field testing revealed that damp and wet sand applied through the new hopper was distributed at a rate of about 90 percent compared with dry sand. The 10 percent discrepancy is largely from that same percentage of holes not receiving any sand. This is significant because 90 percent of the holes with sand were filled just as full as the kiln-dried process. For comparison, a 3-inch-by-2-inch spacing at an approximate depth of 4 inches with kiln-dried sand will deliver 5.6 cubic feet of sand per 1,000 square feet. Using damp or wet sand that has not been kiln dried will deliver 5 cubic feet.
    This new technology now makes the Dry-Ject process available in parts of the U.S. and Canada with limited or no access to kiln-dried sand. It also can help reduce the cost of aerification and topdressing procedures since damp or wet sand is less expensive than kiln-dried.
  • Copperleaf Golf Club superintendent David Dore-Smith says disaster preparedness includes prepping turf to deal with stress. Fashion trends might start in Paris, but challenges associated with pests, diseases and other issues affecting golf course maintenance often start in Florida, or at least manifest in a more advanced state and for longer periods of time.
    Hurricanes, nematodes, mole crickets and many troublesome diseases might not be unique to Florida, but many show up with a veracity often not found elsewhere.
    As Hurricane Irma began creeping up Florida's southwest coast on Sept. 10, 2017 at Category 4 strength, at least a dozen golf courses in the Naples area were in the midst of a renovation - including Lexington Country Club.
    When Lexington superintendent Laurie Frutchey returned to the course after the storm had passed, she reached out to a few trusted colleagues to seek input on what the event might mean to the renovation. Among those on her speed dial were Bayer area sales rep Zach Lane and Todd Lowe, the former USGA Green Section agronomist and now a member of Bayer's Green Solutions Team.
    Progress on the Lexington was set back two weeks. There were other renovation projects in the area that experienced setbacks measured in months, not weeks.
    "2017 was a brutal year," Lane said during a Bayer-hosted summit focused on the company's support of superintendents in Florida.
    Any support at all was just fine with Frutchey, who has been the superintendent at Lexington for the past 18 years. History has taught her that she can lean on Lane and Lowe when things aren't going so smoothly. So too can other superintendents across the region and throughout the state. 
    A year after the hurricane went through southwestern Florida, almost all the greens on Lexington's front nine were succumbing to a disease eventually diagnosed as fairy ring. Among those she called for help diagnosing Lexington's ailing greens were Lane and Lowe, who was a Florida-based Green Section agronomist for 18 years.
    "It took a lot of time on our hands and knees to figure things out," Frutchey said. 
    Once the problem was diagnosed, "it was a textbook case," Frutchey said.
    "You could see where it was attacking in the profile layer," Lowe said. "You could see an orange layer in the grow-in layer. 
    "It lasted all year."
     In-the-field support that sometimes includes recommending competitors' products is one of just a few things Bayer is doing to promote the careers of superintendents in Florida and elsewhere.
    Those efforts include the Green Start Academy held jointly with John Deere, that provides career development for assistants, and the Superintendent Grant Program that sends 10 superintendents to the Golf Industry Show. That program was expanded after Irma to include another five superintendents from hurricane-affected courses in Florida.
    Among them was Preston Stephenson, a regional superintendent for Pope Golf based at Misty Creek Country Club in Sarasota.
    He was fortunate to lose only three trees during Irma, but his modest team of eight did all the clean up work, removing layer upon layer of debris to get the course reopened in just three days.
    "You couldn't see the turf," he said.
    David Dore-Smith, superintendent at Copperleaf Golf Club in Bonita Springs remembers Irma well, too, including 30 inches of rain over two weekends, 300-plus trees that came down and using a chainsaw just to clear the road on which he lives just so he could get to work and clear more trees.
    Like other superintendents, he has a disaster-preparedness plan just for events like Irma, Dore-Smith also remembers phone calls from Lane and Lowe to remind him about other practices to manage his turf in advance of a hurricane, including some unlikely advice.
    Their concern was issues like take-all root rot, Pythium root rot and Bermudagrass decline.
    "We don't recommend just our own products," Lane said. 
    "I'll say it, we told him to use Primo (from Syngenta), blast the golf course then shut it down."
    Regardless of whether the disaster is weather related, or the sudden onset of disease or pest pressure, it is critical to remain calm and professional, said Gregory Jack, superintendent at TPC Treviso Bay in Naples.
    "How are you handling yourself? How are you presenting yourself? What are members seeing?" Jack said. "It's not always about growing grass. It's not always about what you're doing. It's about how everybody perceives you, or how everyone working around you sees you.
    "Are you getting enough information to others so they can see what is happening and going on?"
    Apparently, that same advice applies to vendors, too.
  • Shaping is nearly complete at American Dunes Golf Club, part of which will open next year. Photos courtesy of Jon Scott. It might be hard to find anyone in golf who does more for those in need than Jack Nicklaus. And it might be even more difficult to find a course more deserving of his benevolence than the 50-plus-year old track on the eastern shores of Lake Michigan that holds a special place in his heart.
    Whether it is helping provide a wide network of healthcare services for children throughout South Florida or donating his design services to some of his favorite pet projects, Jack Nicklaus has made a life of giving back to those in need. 
    Nicklaus' latest endeavor has been to donate his design services to the course formerly known as Grand Haven Golf Club, situated in the western Michigan town of the same name.
    Opened in 1965, Grand Haven Golf Club was designed and built on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan by the father-and-son architecture team of Bruce and Jerry Matthews. A half-century later, Nicklaus is redesigning the course that will serve as a living tribute to the armed forces and all who have served by being an avenue for raising funds to provide scholarships to members of military families.
    "I love the game of golf, but I love my country even more," Nicklaus said in a news release.
    Dr. John Rooney bought Grand Haven in 1988. Twenty years later, the course was the birthplace of the Folds of Honor program started by Rooney's son, Maj. Dan Rooney, a PGA professional and a pilot in the U.S. Air Force Reserves. Eleven years ago, the younger Rooney started the Folds of Honor program that provides scholarships to spouses and children of fallen or wounded service members. The newly renovated course will be a fundraising tool to support the scholarship program through a series of tournaments held in conjunction with the upcoming Patriot Golf Day. Nine holes are scheduled to open in October 2020 and the other nine in 2021.
    Rooney and Nicklaus have known each other for years, and the latter has been a supporter of Folds of Honor since its inception. The two crossed paths two years ago at The Bear's Club in Jupiter, Florida, where Rooney shared his vision for Grand Haven's legacy in the Folds of Honor program.
    "This family-owned golf course is where Fields of Honor started. Mr. Nicklaus has been a big supporter of Fields of Honor," Rooney said. 
    "With my parents getting older and me trying to figure out what to do with the golf course, the easy answer was 'plow it under and convert it to real estate in a thriving town.' The hard right was to try to save it.
    "Mr. Nicklaus asked me what I wanted the course to be, and I want it to be something that is reverent to God and country and what this can be to future generations."
    Nicklaus saw the genius in that vision and agreed to donate his services and those of his team at his North Palm Beach, Florida firm that has designed or renovated more than 400 golf courses in nearly 50 countries.
    He was on site this week, checking on the project's progress.
    "I don’t know that the golf course necessarily appealed to me," Nicklaus told the Grand Haven Tribune. "It was the idea of what it represents with the Folds of Honor. Dan Rooney has been a good friend for a long time. He's a good man. He started the Folds, and what they're doing, who they're honoring, what it does is something I'm very much moved by, so when Dan asked me to come and do it, it wasn't a big choice for me, regardless of what the property was. I didn't care what the property was.
    "Turns out it was a beautiful piece of property to do a golf course to honor Folds of Honor. A lot of people are really going to enjoy coming here to see the golf course, see what Dan has done to honor fallen soldiers and their families."
    Although the Nicklaus name is the big gun behind this project, getting the renovation from the drawing board to the dirt has taken an army of others who either have donated products and/or services or offered them at a steeply discounted rate.
    That list includes his design firm's senior design associate Chris Cochran as well as former staff agronomist Jon Scott, who volunteered his time a few years ago on another gratis project by Nicklaus, and has recruited others, including John Murtaugh of MCI, Bill Dunn of Seed Research of Oregon, John Maeder of Profile Products, Jim Thomas of Thomas Turf Services and dozens of others.
    "Our military servicemen and women deserve nothing less from us when they give the ultimate sacrifice for their country," said Scott, a Michigan native and resident. "That is why I wanted to be involved, and why so many of my industry friends have joined in this worthy renovation project. It is the least we can do to help Major Dan and the Folds of Honor Foundation."
    The course in Grand Haven, where Joe Verduin is superintendent is scheduled to reopen in October 2020 as American Dunes Golf Club.

    The project is in its final stages of shaping with seeding to begin later this month. It will combine the area's natural sand dunes with a woodland setting and will utilize native sand in greens and bunker construction.
    Folds of Honor raises money through a variety of fundraisers, including Patriot Golf Day, which is a series of golf tournaments at sites nationwide that is scheduled nationally over Labor Day weekend. Individual courses can, however, host events as they fit their individual schedules. 
    To date, the Folds of Honor program has awarded more than $130 million in scholarships, including 5,000 scholarships totalling $26 million for the upcoming school year, Rooney said.
    "That's all to spouses and children of those killed, injured or disabled," Rooney said. "The impact we have on others is what makes what used to be Grand Haven Golf Club relevant."
    Nicklaus' commitment to charitable causes has a long history. He is a longtime supporter of children's healthcare initiatives in South Florida, and two years ago, thanks to the support of Nicklaus and wife Barbara, the Miami Children's Hospital Network became known as the Nicklaus Children's Health System with its own fundraising arm, the Nicklaus Children's Hospital Foundation. 
    The Memorial Tournament held at Nicklaus' Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin has raised about $30 million for charity since the inaugural event in 1976. He also has been a longtime supporter of the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, a fundraising and research initiative by the University of Miami that targets spinal cord and brain injuries.
    This isn't the first of Nicklaus' outreach efforts to benefit golf courses. Three years ago, he donated his services to redesign and expand American Lake Veterans Golf Course on the grounds of the Veterans Administration Puget Sound Healthcare System in Lakewood, Washington. 
    "My agronomy services were included in that commitment, and I made about six visits to the site before and during construction," Scott said. "I was totally humbled and honored to be a part of such a great cause and met many individuals who were the beneficiaries of our efforts. I was also able to use my industry network to bring many more people into the project to make their own and their companies' contribution. It was one of the most satisfying of all the golf course projects I had worked on in my 18 years with Nicklaus Design."
    When North Palm Beach Country Club, a humble, city-owned course in Nicklaus' adopted hometown in Florida, needed a makeover, the Golden Bear did so - for a fee of $1.
    So, helping fulfill Rooney's vision was a natural fit for Nicklaus.
    "We're very proud at the Nicklaus organization to be a part of this," Nicklaus said, "very proud to be part of Folds of Honor's past, and very proud to be a part of its future."
    The course, which combines a natural dunes setting with a woodland theme, is in the final stages of shaping under the eye of Doug Graham of Graham Golf, with seeding to begin later this month. 
    Greens will be grassed with 777 creeping bentgrass developed at Rutgers University by Rich Hurley, Ph.D., Stacy Bonos, Ph.D., and Leah Brilman, Ph.D. Tees and fairways will be covered with Flagstick creeping bentgrass out of Michigan State and Seed Research of Oregon. Both were chosen for disease resistance.
    The new design and the natural setting promises to make American Dunes a unique golf experience.
    "Everybody is pouring their hearts and souls into this to create a legacy that is going to live beyond all of us," Rooney said. "It is going to be something from a pure golf experience, but that wasn't the dream. The dream was to do something that is reverent to the military and God and country. 
    "Sometimes, things have to fall apart to come together. I knew the site was nice, but it is going to come together to create a golf experience that will be in the rarest of air. We are within a four-hour drive of about 35 million people. I think it will be a pilgrimage-type effect, but people will be coming for a reason beyond golf."
  • Ryan Gordon has worked at the site of the Champions Tour's Boeing Classic since 2005, including the past eight seasons as head superintendent. Communication is critical to keeping any golf course operation running, but being able to read between the lines might be equally important.
    That's the case anyway at The Club at Snoqualmie Ridge in Snoqualmie, Washington, where superintendent Ryan Gordon and his team face some unique communications challenges every day.
    "I was born with a 90-percent profound hearing loss, which was a surprise because I have zero family history of deafness, so, I grew up with all hearing family members," Gordon said - by email.
    Gordon, 36, has been at Snoqualmie Ridge since 2005, the same year the club became the host site of the Champions Tour's Boeing Classic. He has been superintendent since 2012.
    Gordon's hearing impairment is something that he, his team and everyone else he works alongside at Snoqualmie Ridge have learned to overcome through utilizing non-verbal communications technology like Google Docs, the use of assistive-listening devices, some sign language and Gordon's own mad lip-reading skills. In fact, effective communication is such a non-issue that when pro golf's senior circuit tees off next week at Snoqualmie Ridge, no one who knows Gordon or is in anyway affiliated with the Boeing Classic will give his hearing - or lack of it - a second thought.
    In fact, while overcoming obstacles the rest of us take for granted, Gordon's story is one of inspiration.
    "I would say I've never met anyone who cared for a golf course more than Ryan does, and that bleeds out to other people," said Ryan Ingalls, operations manager for the Boeing Classic. 
    "He leads by example. He has to from a communications standpoint. He is the first one out to work on a bunker or do whatever else needs to be done, and that goes a long way."
    His tournament prep leaves tournament officials and Snoqualmie Ridge general manager James Hochrine in amazement.
    "I know he is one of the most-loved superintendents on the Champions Tour, because he so proficient," Hochrine said. "The Tour guys write down a list of things they need done, and it's all done two weeks in advance of the tournament when they show up. He is the most-prepared superintendent for a tournament I've ever seen. He's really detail oriented. He documents everything; the really good ones document a lot so they don't have to reinvent the wheel every year."
    Gordon can speak, but admits he can be hard to understand and that email exchanges might be the most efficient way to conduct an interview with the media. 
    Danny Vandecoevering, a former assistant at Snoqualmie Ridge and now an agronomist and sales rep with Wilbur-Ellis, recalls when he arrived at the course to volunteer for the 2009 Boeing Classic. It was the first time he and Gordon, then an assistant, had met.
    "He was in the shop waiting for me," Vandecoevering said. "I couldn't understand 75 percent of what he was saying. I remember feeling so bad for him. It was really uncomfortable."
    For Gordon, however, finding ways to communicate effectively are all he knows, including the use of a video relay service that allows him to talk over the telephone.
    "It works fairly well, but sometimes the tone of what I want to say to the other person can get lost through translation," he said. "It's not as good as a 1:1 conversation, but a fantastic tool in my toolbox."
    His most effective one-on-one communication tool is lip reading, which his colleagues say he is crazy good at.
    "Lip reading is something that I have always done out of necessity and I will also add that it's not just a full-on focus of following how the lips move," he said. "You combine the movement of the lips with facial expression, body language and movement, which will tell you a lot about what the other person is conveying, and when combined you can follow along in a conversation. However, there is also a little bit of common sense involved here, as well. I may only catch 60-70 percent of what is spoken and have to use my logic to fill in the blanks for things to make sense. It isn't a perfect system, but usually gets me in the ballpark."
    A 2005 graduate of Oregon State, Gordon first arrived in Corvallis on scholarship to the business school. After about a year he started second-guessing his career choice. While trying to find his way at Oregon State, Gordon, who grew up working on a nine-hole course and caddying for his father, eventually met Tom Cook and his longtime research assistant Brian McDonald. The rest, as they say, is history.
    "I switched majors my sophomore year and got a job working for a research assistant to the dean of the horticulture department," Gordon wrote. "We worked on cherry tree research on the university research farm, which was a lot of data gathering and pruning and a lot of fun. My first summer working on the farm, I got to know Tom Cook and Brian McDonald, who also had their research area on the same farm and that's when it clicked for me."
    Although he has used virtually every kind of assistive-listening device ever made, Gordon has become an excellent lip reader through the years. That is a handy skill in face-to-face interactions, but is of little use when the crew is scattered throughout the golf course. 
    While climbing his way up through the industry, Gordon was fortunate to work for and with people who saw him for his agronomic skills and were willing to meet halfway to establish effective communication, including using assistive-listening devices.
    "When I first arrived here at Snoqualmie Ridge as an assistant superintendent, my boss at the time, Rick Hathaway (now at Rock Creek Cattle Company) bought six T-Mobile Sidekicks to distribute among the staff, mechanic, spray tech, second assistant, himself and our foreman and paid for the monthly cell phone bill," Gordon said. "It was a fantastic gesture to make sure that I had the tools I needed to do my job to manage the crew and communicate effectively. I will always be appreciative to him not only for giving me the opportunity but also for thinking outside the box and stepping up to the plate so I could be successful.  
    "Everyone I have worked for has always been willing to go the extra mile to make sure that I was always in the know."
    Hochrine has worked at Snoqualmie Ridge for five years; the first two as director of golf and the past three as general manager. He didn't have much experience working with the deaf until working with Gordon. That didn't much matter, Hochrine said, because Gordon's abilities as a superintendent, agronomist and manager do the talking for him.
    "He is a brilliant superintendent, not a deaf superintendent, although he realizes he has to communicate differently than everyone else does. But he doesn't know any different because he has done it his entire life," Hochrine said. "He is the best at running a crew I've seen.

    "At first I thought I might need to learn sign language. That's not the case, although he has taught me some. He is an inspiration. At first, I thought 'how does he get through a day. When you start working with him, you realize he is just like everyone else. He just goes about things differently than everyone else has to."
    Since he relies on reading lips in one-on-one situations or in committee meetings, Gordon knows he has to command the room, so he can maintain a line of sight with anyone who speaks. If he has a meeting with an outside group, like city officials about water-related issues, he might ask Hochrine to attend so he doesn't miss anything, but he stands on his own as much as possible.
    "There is a lot of trust between us," Hochrine said. 
    "When he meets with vendors, he could easily pass that off to accounting, but he doesn't. I can't imagine how he does that."
    The challenges and work-arounds at Snoqualmie Ridge could define Gordon's career, but he doesn't allow that.
    "Nothing has stopped him from doing anything any other superintendent does," said Vandecoevering. "He steps up in front of the crew and is a great leader. He doesn't give himself any excuses, and he doesn't think of being any different than anyone else."
    While he was attending Oregon State, Vandecoevering had volunteered for the 2009 Boeing Classic when Hathaway was superintendent. Three years later, when Gordon was taking over as a new superintendent and was in need of an assistant, he reached out to Vandecoevering and offered him the position - contingent on completing work toward his degree.
    "What sticks out about my time with Ryan, when I started he was 29 and I was 22. It was my first assistant job and his first job as superintendent. There was some bonding there," Vandecoevering said. "Other things besides his hearing were much more important. He is such a great superintendent, the fact that he is hearing impaired was pretty secondary."
  • Golf is at a crossroads. The question is, will anyone react faster than Bryson DeChambeau to steer it down the right path?
    Watching DeChambeau take 2 minutes or more to study over numerous shots during the PGA Tour's Northern Trust Open, including an 8-foot putt on the eighth hole that he ultimately missed, was painful and frustrating. His actions showed a lack of regard for fellow Tour professionals, and listening to him rationalize slow play and even blame others, including caddies for walking too slowly between shots, was insulting.
    Pros, including Justin Thomas, Paul Lawrie, Rich Beem and Eddie Pepperell, and the media erupted in outrage prompting DeChambeau to try to change his ways and the Tour to say it will take a look at slow play but stopping short of any punitive action.
    The PGA Tour, PGA of America and the USGA, all have addressed the importance of pace of play for everyday golfers. But refusal to hold pros to the same standard is bad for the future of a game that is not exactly in the best of shape.
    Whether golf at a snail's pace occurs on Sundays on network TV or down the street at the local course, slow play can be traced back to money.
    It is maddening to watch and it is a blatant disregard for other PGA Tour players when DeChambeau stands over a putt for more than 2 minutes, or J.B. Holmes deliberates a shot for more than 4 minutes - with no action by the Tour. With the vast amounts of money to be made on the pro tour, it also is understandable why players agonize over a single shot. Still, it is unfair to others facing the same pressure and it is not entertaining, despite what DeChambeau says.
    Golfers cognizant of their USGA index or stressing over a $5 Nassau are equally obsessive about their own slow-play transgressions, while expecting their three-putt partners to pick up and get out of the way as quickly as possible.
    That's a problem.

    For more than a decade, golf has been bleeding players and golf courses at a rate never before seen. Among the obstacles to attracting new players or getting those who already play to do so more often have been difficulty, cost and time. Lessons can help solve difficulty, and there are plenty of low-cost options available. But there is nothing that can help you affect those playing ahead of or with you.
    For years, the USGA, PGA of America and PGA Tour have been at the center of industry-wide initiatives aimed at helping grow the game, and all have addressed the issue of pace of play with everyday golfers as it relates to growing the game.
    Pace of play at the highest level has been a problem for years, as well. The Tour's response to finding a real solution to the pace of play issue is as slow as DeChambeau himself.
    After the Northern Trust, the Tour has vowed to review its pace of play policy and even use its Shotlink technology to establish a pace of play report on all players, but stopped short of handing out stroke penalties for violators. 
    According to one PGA Tour official: "We are currently in the process of reviewing this aspect of pace of play and asking ourselves is there a better way to do it?"
    Translation: "Do as I say, not as I do."
    Golfers everywhere deserve better, and so does the game.

  • Devou Golf and Event Center has a history that dates nearly 100 years as well as a focus on matters that are important to golf moving into the future. 
    For nearly 100 years, the daily fee course in Covington, Kentucky has served golfers in from the northern tier of Kentucky and throughout the greater Cincinnati area.
    The golf course at Devou is nestled in an 800-acre park that sits atop a hill overlooking downtown Cincinnati and offers a host of other recreational alternatives. And the folks who manage it understand their commitment to golfers and non-golfers alike.
    Ron Freking has seen a lot of change at Devou Park since he arrived at this humble facility in the 1980s to work as a mechanic for his father, Jim, who was superintendent. Changes have included expanding from nine to 18 holes almost 25 years ago and implementing a unique fairway-renovation project that, although it took nearly a decade to complete, was done at virtually no cost. Most recently, it also has included the addition of native areas that, along with this hilly terrain, have helped transform Devou into a monarch waystation and haven for wildlife despite its urban location. A native of nearby Ludlow, Freking's story is one of hometown boy makes good.
    "We serve a lot of people, and it's a good feeling to get compliments on the golf course," Freking said. "To help the environment along the way is a feather in the cap. We get a lot of comments about wildlife and plantings. It might not register with you immediately what is going on here, but when you see a deer on No. 6, or a redtail hawk, people like that."
    Through the years, he has put up a host of bluebird boxes and over the past two decades has hung dozens of gourds that house purple martins, and all are full.
    "I need to expand and put out more gourds," Freking said. "Those birds weren't here before we put those out. We saw an occasional hawk or deer, but until 20 years ago there was no wildlife here. Now, it's everywhere. I've seen just about every kind of wildlife that is found in Kentucky."

    Of late, those efforts have included converting the course to a stopping-off point for an endangered species.
    Freking worked closely with Crystal Courtney, a certified arborist with the city, a few years ago to identify areas to convert to native plantings and where to plant a variety of milkweed species to attract monarch butterflies during their migratory commute.
    "That was very important to the park and the city," Freking said. "It was more than just PR. The park's advisory board wanted to do what would be beneficial to the habitat, the golf course and the park.
    "We planted swamp, butterfly and common milkweeds; we grew them from plugs. Some took off, some we had to plant a second time."
    Devou Park is home to more than just a golf course, half of which is nearly a century old. Miles of trails for hiking, jogging and walking wind through the park. Concertgoers have been attending events in the park's bandshell since 1939, and a new clubhouse in 2017 brought with it another new venture.
    The park has partnered with nearby Devou Cycle to start a bicycle-rental program that has been a hit with non-golfers, and probably some golfers, too. A system of mountain bike trails measure up to more than 3 miles in length with an overall elevation change of more than 300 feet.
    "The golf course and park are unique in that non-golfers can touch our golf course all around the perimeter on several holes with jogging trails and picnic areas," Freking said. "It's not like we have to go find people, they are coming to us, and it is important to show we are not out there spraying chemicals with no concern. We are taking care of our environment."
    The addition of the new clubhouse brought more stewardship opportunities for Freking.
    Prior to that project, stormwater traveled downhill off the course to the adjacent town of Park Hills. So much dirt was moved during construction of the clubhouse that the area captures a lot of runoff that today is piped to a retention pond by the first fairway.
    None of these efforts have deterred city-owned Devou from delivering conditions the defy its municipal status, and that is an accomplishment has been no small feat.
    When the course was in need of a fairway renovation, but neither the city nor the management company that held the maintenance contract at the time, were about to pay for doing that in the traditional manner. A strip-sodding program in which Freking laid out sod squares in a checkerboard pattern converted the fairways from annual bluegrass to Meyer zoysiagrass, which is suited for the area's climate that includes hot, humid summers and cold winters. This method was cheap, costing virtually nothing, but took eight years to complete. While it was friendly to the bottom line, the improved playing conditions have been met with approval by Devou Park's loyal customers.
    "The accolades have kind of snuck up on me," Freking said. "I didn't plan for that. With the things we've done in house, plus the new clubhouse, the number of people coming here to the park find out that the golf course is pretty decent too, and that has been really rewarding."
  • Among the archived Webinar recordings available on TurfNet is the July 16 session on spring dead spot control by Bruce Martin, Ph.D.
    Disease management, the latest on insect pest research, water management and career development are just a few of the topics tackled in TurfNet University Webinars during the past . .  .  12 years. Yes, 12 years.
    Since January 2008, TurfNet has been bringing golf course superintendents at least 20 educational Webinars per year. Some years, a few more. That’s more than 250 events in all.
    Superintendents always are facing untimely and unexpected challenges, and we have always recognized that it is not always possible to plan weeks in advance for even a one-hour seminar. To that end, recordings of all of our Webinars have been available on our archives page from the start. 
    Sponsored by Grigg and BASF, TurfNet University recordings include our most recent production, What’s new in spring dead spot control, by recently retired Clemson turf pathologist Bruce Martin, Ph.D., from July 16.
    Some other recent topics include
    Best management practices to control anthracnose by Bruce Clarke, Ph.D., of Rutgers University; SDHI chemistries . . .  by Ed Nangle, Ph.D., of Ohio State ATI; Balancing work and family by Lisa and Mike Goatley, Ph.D.; How to work with a green committee by Bradley Klein, Ph.D.; and The ABCs of putting green maintenance, a four-part series by Mike Morris, CGCS at Crystal Downs Country Club and Thom Nikolai, Ph.D., of Michigan State. Even if a break in an irrigation line, an impromptu meeting in the clubhouse or a sudden disease outbreak stands in the way of viewing a live webinar, the recordings are available for on-demand replay 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year.
    Just like our live webinars, all recorded archives are free for everyone. TurfNet members should be logged in to their account and non-members should register for a free guest account to view them.
  • Santa Clara Golf and Tennis Club in Northern California is scheduled to close in October to make way for an entertainment district adjacent to Levi's Stadium. Midterm grades are in for 2019, and the golf industry is close to being sent home on academic probation. Even taking into account that spring was pretty wet in much of the country, rounds played in June, according to Golf Datatech’s monthly industry report card, still were flat compared to the same month in 2018, and year-to-date participation in the first half of the year was down 1 percent when measured against the first six months of last year, making golf a C performer - at best. It is a trend that is all-too familiar.
    The inventory of golf-playable-hours was down 7 percent nationwide in June. A metric devised by Jim Koppenhaver at Pellucid Corp., GPH is essentially an inventory of the number of hours in a given time that are favorable for playing golf that accounts for factors such as daylight hours, precipitation and temperature. Granted, nationwide weather data is pretty useless, but it tells us that many parts of the country took on a lot of rain in the spring. A lot of rain. And flat growth tells us that, overall, there are no more people playing golf now than a year ago. In fact, if history tells us anything, we probably will find out that there are a million or so fewer golfers among us by January, when Koppenhaver and Stuart Lindsey of Edgehill Consulting deliver their brutally frank state of the industry address at next year’s PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando.
    Conditions have largely dried out since spring in many of those areas that experienced wetter-than-normal weather to kick off the golf season, but the rebound many owners and operators had hoped for has not been there. Of course, there are going to be pockets of success since progress is measured on a course-by-course basis, but the overall bump signalling that we finally have reached equilibrium between demand for rounds played and supply of golf facilities has not yet arrived.
    The biggest losses in June were in Kentucky (down 18 percent) and Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oklahoma (all down 14 percent). Play also was down in several golf-centric states like New York (7 percent), North Carolina (6 percent), South Carolina (4 percent), Florida (2 percent) and Pennsylvania (1 percent). 
    The biggest gains in June were in the Dakotas (up 14 percent), Virginia and West Virginia (11 percent) and New Mexico (10 percent), none of which are going to have much of an influence in overall numbers. California saw a gain of just 0.6 percent.
    The biggest year-to-date losers for the first six months of the year were again Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oklahoma (all down 10 percent). The largest gains in the first half of the year were made in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia (up 14 percent), the Dakotas (up 12 percent) and New Jersey (up 11 percent).
    The golf business underwent tremendous growth in the 60 years following World War II. What soon became an oversaturated market quickly began to self-correct by shedding underperforming courses and hastily planned layouts designed to help sell real estate.
    What many in the industry thought might be a brief trend that would last just two or three years, has turned into a movement that has carried on for a generation and has redefined the business.
    Since 2006, 2,135 golf courses have closed, while 620 have opened for a net loss of 1,515 18-hole equivalents. Included in that are 41 closures and 10 openings so far this year. One unexpected statistic that has become a welcome trend in recent years is once-closed courses reopening under new ownership. According to Koppenhaver, there are 10 such properties that have reopened this year.
    Among the courses scheduled to close this year is Santa Clara Golf and Tennis Club, a 1987 Robert Muir Graves design in Silicon Valley that will be shuttered to make room for an entertainment complex adjacent to Levi’s Stadium, the home of the San Francisco 49ers. The course is set to close Oct. 15. The list also includes the Country Club at Deer Run, a daily fee in Casselberry, Florida that succumbed in June to the challenges of competing in the crowded Orlando market.
    One thing we know, is that there will be dozens more before the end of the year as the market continues to self-correct with no apparent end in sight. 
  • Carlos Arraya, CGCS, is a living example that even the worst of tragedies can provide a teaching moment. something good can come out of something bad.
    His people-first management style is the result of two things - the philosophy of his mentor and former boss John Cunningham and a car accident that killed his son, Isaiah, in 2016.
    Called pillar management, his management style focuses on employees first with the idea that the best people will produce the best product. It's a management style that gives employees ownership of the golf course and playing conditions on a daily basis thus proving how important each member is to the team and the overall operation. It also is one of the reasons Arraya was named winner of last year's TurfNet Superintendent of the Year Award, presented by Syngenta.
    "Losing my son gave me a new perspective," Arraya said when he won the award at the Golf Industry Show in San Diego. "Tragedies really awaken people, or they make them go down a road they can't come back from."
    Nominations for Arraya's successor are now being accepted. A panel of judges will select five finalists and ultimately the winner from among the list of nominees. Click here to submit a nomination. Deadline for nominations is Dec. 31.
    Since 2000, the TurfNet Superintendent of the Year Award, presented by Syngenta, honors the accomplishments of golf course superintendents across the nation. 
    Criteria on which nominees are judged include: labor management, maximizing budget limitations, educating and advancing the careers of colleagues and assistants, negotiating with government agencies, preparing for tournaments under unusual circumstances, service to golf clientele, upgrading or renovating the course and dealing with extreme or emergency conditions.
    Previous winners include: Jorge Croda, Southern Oaks Golf Club, Burleson, TX, and Rick Tegtmeier, Des Moines Golf and Country Club, West Des Moines, IA (2017); Dick Gray, PGA Golf Club, Port St. Lucie, FL (2016); Matt Gourlay, Colbert Hills, Manhattan, KS (2015); Fred Gehrisch, Highlands Falls Country Club, Highlands, NC (2014); Chad Mark, Kirtland Country Club, Willoughby, OH (2013), Dan Meersman, Philadelphia Cricket Club (2012), Flourtown, PA; Paul Carter, The Bear Trace at Harrison Bay, Harrison, TN (2011); Thomas Bastis, The California Golf Club of San Francisco, South San Francisco, CA (2010); Anthony Williams, Stone Mountain (GA) Golf Club (2009); Sam MacKenzie, Olympia Fields (IL) Country Club (2008); John Zimmers, Oakmont (PA) Country Club (2007); Scott Ramsay, Golf Course at Yale University, New Haven, CT (2006); Mark Burchfield, Victoria Club, Riverside, CA (2005); Stuart Leventhal, Interlachen Country Club, Winter Park, FL (2004); Paul Voykin, Briarwood Country Club, Deerfield, IL (2003); Jeff Burgess, Seven Lakes Golf Course, Windsor, Ontario (2002); Kip Tyler, Salem Country Club, Peabody, MA (2001); Kent McCutcheon, Las Vegas (NV) Paiute Golf Resort (2000).
  • University entomologists are great at spreading the word about the threat of insect pests like white grubs. Their back yards, however, might provide an even stronger tell about potential infestations.
    When retired Ohio State entomologist Dave Shetlar, Ph.D., found hundreds of masked chafers in a backyard trap about a month ago, he suspected it might not necessarily be good news."Well, so much for a low grub year!" Shetlar tweeted along with the photograph.Grubs, the juvenile version of a variety of winged beetle species that number in the thousands worldwide, can be problematic in fine-cut turf where they feed on thatch, organic matter and root profile. Common grub species in turf include masked chafers, green June beetles and Japanese beetles.
    The liberal sample of adult masked chafers in Shetlar's yard and excessive rains throughout much of the eastern part of the country could be signs of pending grub damage.

    According to research, larvae overwinter in the soil, emerge as adults in early to mid-summer and lay their eggs just a few inches below the surface. Larvae hatch and feed on thatch, organic matter and roots in irrigated or otherwise wet turf before moving deeper into the soil in late autumn where they cease feeding then emerge as adults the following summer. They require moist conditions for eggs to hatch, so the adults are unlikely to lay their eggs in unirrigated turfgrass or areas that go dormant in summer.
    Found in all 50 states, grubs typically are most problematic in cool-season turf environments and in the transition zone.
    White grub damage typically is most evident in August and September. Symptoms of an infestation are gradual thinning, yellowing and weakening of the grass followed by scattered dead patches. As damage continues, the dead patches may increase in size, and apparently healthy turf areas may exhibit sudden wilting. The turf may feel spongy as you walk over the infested area. 
    Heavily damaged turf can peel away easily. If damaged areas do not pull back easily, the problem might be attributable to something else. Preventing grub damage might be as simple as learning the history of prior grub-related issues. Adult beetles are likely to return to lay eggs in areas where infestation has occurred in the past. Larger species, like the masked or European chafers, are larger and can do more damage than say the smaller Japanese beetle. Likewise, the European chafer has a longer life cycle, and can be feeding on roots earlier in the season and later into the summer. 
    According to studies, preventive applications of insecticides like neonicotinoids in late spring can help control first instar grubs in mid-summer. Many products labeled for curative control, while effective, typically have shorter residual activity.
  • SBI application deadline looming
    Applications for the 2019 Syngenta Business Institute program are due Aug. 13. Golf course superintendents can apply online to attend the popular professional development program. 
    During the three-day business-development and networking program, faculty from the nationally ranked Wake Forest University School of Business will focus on key topics, such as financial management, navigating generational and cultural differences, leadership skills, effective communication and negotiation tactics. 
    The program will be held Dec. 3-6 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Approximately 25 superintendents will be selected to attend. Since its inception, more than 250 superintendents have graduated from SBI. 
    In other news, the latest control solutions from Syngenta are now registered for use on California golf courses to help improve turf quality and playability. Appear II and Secure Action fungicides provide superintendents with enhanced control of some of the most prevalent turf diseases, while the Divanem nematicide spot treatment rate delivers stronger turf through proven, broad-spectrum nematode control.
    Secure Action includes a boost of acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) to help condition turf, so it performs at its best during the season and quickly recovers from biotic stress, like dollar spot, and abiotic stress, such as drought and heat. It also increases the dollar spot control interval from 14 to 21 days.
    Appear II controls  diseases like Pythium, while enhancing color, turf quality and stress tolerance in warm- and cool-season grasses. Additionally, it is fromulated for optimal resuspension and mixability with Daconil Action or Secure Action fungicides for use in an agronomic program to control additional diseases like anthracnose and leaf spot.
    The Divanem spot treatment rate of 12.2 ounces/10,000 square feet enhances control of nematodes, including Anguina, spiral, lance, root-knot and sting nematodes, while improving root quality for stronger, healthier turf that recovers more quickly from stress. The Divanem supplemental label must be in the user's possession at the time of spot treatment. Existing Divanem inventory may be used at the spot treatment rate, as long as the supplemental label is readily available.
    California OK's PBI-Gordon's Pedigree
    The California Environmental Protection Agency has approved PBI-Gordon's Pedigree Fungicide SC from PBI Gordon for control of a variety of diseases on warm- and cool-season turfgrass.
    With the active ingredient flutolanil, Pedigree is labeled for control of brown patch, fairy ring, leaf and sheath spot, large patch, red thread, pink patch, yellow patch, southern blight and gray snow mold in creeping bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, annual bluegrass, annual and perennial ryegrass, red fescue, tall fescue, Bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass.
    Turfco adds front-mount seeder attachment
    Turfco added a front-mounted drop seeder attachment for use with its TurnAer XT8 aerator that lets operators aerate and seed at the same time, over the same aeration pattern.
    The drop seeder's 2.5 cubic-foot hopper holds up to 60 pounds of seed. Seed rate dispersal is controlled by a hopper-mounted dial. The seed box spreads seed across a 30-inch swath, matching the aeration pattern.
    Powered by a 22 hp Briggs & Stratton engine, the XT8 has the ability to cover up to 2 acres of turf per hour over any terrain.
  • The Toro Company and Steel Green Manufacturing recently settled their litigation, which is the result of a suit filed in federal court by Toro against Steel Green almost a year ago.
    According to a joint news release from both companies: In March 2018, Toro announced its acquisition of substantially all of the assets of L.T. Rich Products, Inc., a Lebanon, Indiana-based manufacturer of stand-on, zero-turn sprayers and spreaders marketed under the trade name "Z-Spray." Matt Smith, Mike Floyd, Scot Jones, Brent Mills, Craig Conyer and James Kepner were employees of L.T. Rich who continued to work at the L.T. Rich facility following The Toro Company's acquisition.
    In early July 2018, the employees listed above left their employment at the L.T. Rich facility to form Steel Green Manufacturing LLC, which manufactures stand-on, zero-turn sprayers and spreaders that compete with The Toro Company's line of Z-Spray products.  Prior to quitting, certain of the employees listed above removed a significant volume of information from The Toro Company's computer systems, much of which Toro considered sensitive, confidential, and trade secret.
    On October 1, 2018, The Toro Company filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana against Steel Green and its employees which alleged, among other things, that they had misappropriated trade secret information that belonged to The Toro Company, giving Steel Green an unfair advantage in bringing its products to market. Steel Green and its employees denied The Toro Company's allegations, and specifically denied ever using The Toro Company's information. Steel Green and its employees also assert that, before the lawsuit was filed, they returned to The Toro Company the storage devices that contained the information that the employees removed.
    The parties have reached an agreement to settle their differences. The settlement includes the Court's entry of an agreed injunction, in which Steel Green and its employees will refrain from certain activities, including the use of the information that certain of the employees listed above removed from The Toro Company's computer systems. The injunction also prohibits the sale of machines and parts by Steel Green during certain months in 2020. The other terms of the settlement are confidential. 
    "With the lawsuit behind us, we are ramping up production," said Brent Mills, general manager for Steel Green Manufacturing. "Our focus is on taking care of our customers and providing inventory to our dealers."
  • After a lengthy career as a school principal, Todd Gordon finally made the transition to superintendent - but not the kind of superintendent you might think.
    Gordon, 57, spent 32 years as a teacher and principal in the Marion-Florence school district in central Kansas until his retirement last year. This year, he started a new career - as superintendent at Marion Country Club, a private, nine-hole facility that redefines barebones.
    Gordon, whose golf course maintenance experience includes one season helping his predecessor, is a staff of one at a course that operates on the honor system. And he has called on the expertise of experienced professionals to help him master his craft.
    Greens fees are $15 to play the nine-hole route twice and 20 bucks for a cart. And it's all on the honor system. There is no clubhouse staff, so players just sign in, grab a cart, place their money in an envelope and drop it into a box. 
    "We can't afford to have someone just sit in the clubhouse," said Gene Winkler, the club's treasurer.
    When the previous superintendent left, Marion was a little rough around the edges. Even though he had only worked at the course part time for one season, Gordon had caught the attention of other members.
    "I told the board members if they ever wanted their golf course to look like my yard to give me a call," Gordon said. 
    They remembered that.
    "He is doing a wonderful job," Winkler said. "He was a principal in the local school system for years. He was always outdoorsy and he used to have a green in his back yard that he maintained. He worked here as a laborer last summer, and when the greenkeeper left, he moved up into the job, and he is doing a great job."
    Gordon never even played golf, much less practiced as a turf manager, until he started his career in education.
    "I was just a farm kid from Iowa. I never played through high school until I took a teaching job in Kansas," he said. "The other teachers were all golfers and they were determined to turn me into a golfer. I guess they won out, because I've been one ever since. I can't believe I went all those years without playing. I guess I found the right district."
    His job today as superintendent is much different than it was a year ago as a part-time greenskeeper.
    "I used to have a flexible schedule here and could come and go as I please," Gordon said. "Now, I come early and stay late.
    "I was great help for the greenkeeper before me. Now, there's just one of us."
    That's not exactly true.
    Members at Marion have been very generous with their time, helping where and when they are needed.
    "We have a member who donates two days of mowing, that's 16 hours a week," Gordon said. "Another member has helped mow and we have a member who is on the school board who has taken off work to help. We've had a lot of member help. Without that, there's not enough hours in a day to get the work done."
    Finding enough help is not the only challenge facing Gordon at Marion. He also needs the expertise of others to help solve agronomic challenges and build daily protocols.
    For that, he has leaned heavily on area superintendents, vendor reps and others.
    That list includes Mike Hulteen, CGCS at Hesston Golf Course, Gary Andrews of Hillsoboro Golf Course, Shawn Spann of Winfield Solutions and Kansas State extension specialist Jared Hoyle.
    "We had some problems with the greens. I'd take pictures and send them to Mike," Gordon said. "He's busy himself, but he always takes the time to help me. I can't thank him enough.
    "Between him and Gary, that's 60 years of superintendent experience. When they make suggestions, I pay attention and write it down. There are a lot of folks out there willing to lend a hand."
    Gordon also made field trips to other courses to pick the brains of superintendents throughout the area.
    Last year, Gordon coached the Marion High School golf team. While his team was competing, Gordon would be at the maintenance shop talking turf with superintendents at each course.
    "He wants to learn. All the time he is reading and learning," Winkler said. "He's made so many contacts. He really wants to make the golf course good for us."
  • A law-enforcement official examines the scene of a mower rollover at a golf course in Missouri that resulted in the death of the operator. Photo by KMOV-TV Even the most unimaginable tragedy can give way to a teaching moment.
    Workers at two golf courses in two states were killed within days of each other, serving as stark reminders to review existing operator safety protocols with staff where such programs exist, and establish them where they do not; and make sure employees follow them.
    A worker at Normandie Golf Course near St. Louis was killed July 23, when the mower he was operating went down and embankment and ended up in a creek, pinning him underneath.
    Aerial imagery on St. Louis news outlets shows what appears to be a large zero-turn mower overturned in a creek bank. 
    A worker at Chicago Highlands Golf Course in Illinois was killed when a spray tank on a unit he was operating fell on him.
    Golf course personnel are tight-lipped on the details while investigations continue and the eventual threat of a lawsuit looms. 
    It was unclear whether the operator of the mower was wearing a seat belt, or if he had been ejected and trapped beneath the mower. A respiratory therapist at a local hospital playing golf at Normandie at the time of the incident told news outlets that she responded to the scene to offer assistance, but that the worker appeared to have been trapped underneath the mower for some time. 
    It is common procedure for the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration to get involved early and conduct its own investigation into whether an employer is providing a safe work environment for its employees, or if it is negligent in its efforts to do so, opening the gate for civil action.
    With the safety features built into golf course maintenance equipment and the proliferation of safety training programs at golf courses, it is difficult to imagine that such a tragedy can still occur, but it seems like this story, or one similar to it, pops up a couple of times every year.
    Each incident is a reminder to review safety procedures with your team with the goal of avoiding a similar tragedy.
    Rollover protection systems have been standard on new maintenance equipment for years, and when used in conjunction with a seatbelt are more than 90 percent effective at saving lives, according to the Department of Labor. That number drops to about 70 percent when seatbelts are not engaged with ROPS use.
    Mickey McCord, principal of McCord Golf Safety and Services, said a common cause of mower-related injuries and deaths occur when the operator does not use a seat belt, thinking they can escape from the machine if it begins to tip over.
    "The biggest issue is guys not wearing seatbelts with ROPS," McCord said. "I've had discussions with guys who are adamant about it because they are afraid of being trapped under that equipment. I tell them they're not going to get trapped if they can keep their heads for a minute and undo the seatbelt. If that mower rolls over on you without seatbelts, then you really are trapped by that equipment. I'm telling you, I hear it all the time."
    McCord says it is important to have written protocols in place that reflect proper ROPS use, but it is equally important to make sure employees are in compliance.
    "A written policy formalizes everything," he said. "But if you have a policy but an employee doesn't follow it, are you complying?"
    Some other tips for safe mower operation on sloped areas include:
    > Using a specialized mower, such as a Ventrac, on inclines of 25 percent or more.
    > Wet and undulating conditions make mowing more difficult.
    > Mow front to back, not side to side.
    > Do not start, stop or turn on slopes.
    > Make sure tires are inflated to the proper pressure.
    "The main thing, obviously, is you don't something like this to happen," McCord said. "But you want the golf course to be protected. You need a policy - a written policy, and you have to make sure that everyone knows it is important to follow it."
  • After judges recently reduced damage settlements in two of the cases lodged against Bayer in the ongoing Roundup saga, the result is a good news-bad news scenario for the maker of the world’s most popular herbicide.
    The good news? You don’t owe as much as you did a few days ago.
    The bad news? With just a few cases litigated, you still owe a @#$% ton of money, and that amount will continue to grow with more than 13,000 other cases looming and the airways (and my email inbox) cluttered with ads from law firms soliciting new clients to jump on board in what has become a case study for how to wage a propaganda war.
    Critics ask why is Roundup still on the market after it has been named in thousands of cases for being responsible for causing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Those same critics advocate Bayer paying through the nose, even for suits that include $2 billion in damages.
    Roundup is on the market because it works. No other company has developed a non-selective herbicide as efficacious as glyphosate. It also has a product label that is several pages long and lays out explicit instructions for safe use, including guidelines for clothing - a fact lost on my next-door neighbor who was spotted just this week applying it to hundreds of square feet all while she worse shorts, T-shirt and flip-flops. By the way, she is an attorney.
    Hey, why read a label? In the litigious world in which we live, it is easier and more profitable to claim ignorance, point a finger and hire a lawyer.
    Attorneys, activists and the uninformed and uneducated are not going to line up any time soon to spread pity on a multi-national chemical company that employs thousands of people around the planet. Just for fun, search Twitter on the topic and read some of the comments, including a meme that lists Roundup as one of the 12 worst products ever created. Call the Dirty Dozen, the list, that also includes DDT and Agent Orange, appears to have been developed by a “clean food” advocacy group that goes by the name GMO Free USA.
    Chemicals have had safety labels for decades and tobacco products have included warning labels since 1965. There are countless other products that have been linked to cancer, are still on the market and still do not include a safety or warning label of any kind, yet products like tobacco and toxic chemicals are low-hanging fruit in the courtroom.
    In three cases, a jury has ruled against Bayer to the tune of more than $2 billion. In each case, a judge has reduced punitive damage amounts that regardless of what the public believes, would still be unmanageable, even for a company like Bayer.
    The reality is Bayer’s value has dropped significantly since it acquired Monsanto last year. According to Fortune and other published reports, the company’s stock has fallen by more than 40 percent in that time. Although the $2 billion in damages announced earlier this summer will be slashed to a yet-to-be-determined amount that likely will be in the neighborhood of $250 million, even a company like Bayer, which has announced plans to sell its Dr. Scholl’s footcare and Coppertone sunscreen divisions to boost profitability, can pay damages on 13,000 cases (and growing) awarding millions in damages. The legal system has two choices - eventually absolve Bayer (unlikely) or reach a realistic class-action solution that allows the company to remain viable.
    The world probably can get along without tobacco, but it is difficult to imagine agriculture without access to herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. Remove products like Roundup from the shelves and soon the people who complain about everything will scream about higher prices for food. Once a problem like that hits critics in their wallet you can be sure they’ll tell people to take their lymphoma and shove it.
  • Wherever one sees Joe Rimelspach, left, you are likely to see Todd Hicks nearby. Below, Joe Rimelspach helps attendees at a recent Disease Day seminar identify diseases in the field. Photos by John Reitman Starsky and Hutch, Batman and Robin, Shaggy and Scooby, Joe and Todd.
    Wherever you see one-half of any of these famous duos, chances are the other is somewhere close by. Each is an example of the philosophy of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. It is an ideal voiced by Aristotle to illustrate the concept that people accomplish more as part of a team than they do individually.
    For the past decade, Joe Rimelspach and Todd Hicks have been a 1-2 punch for Ohio State's turfgrass pathology program. Thanks to their nearly two decades of hard work together, the program has become one of the leading centers for disease and fungicide research as well as extension outreach as they help golf course superintendents, sports field managers, lawn care operators and homeowners around the state and throughout the country solve some of their most challenging grass-growing issues.
    "Todd and Joe are always ready to help superintendents and speak at local association meetings," said Tim Glorioso, director of golf course operations at Toledo Country Club and a past president of the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation. "Their passion for the industry is truly evident in their actions."
    Along the road to where the program is now, they have encountered a few potholes.
    "Our professor, Mike Boehm, was becoming more involved in administration, and when you have a professor leaving that usually means the end of the program," Hicks said. "I told Joe that we need to start selling ourselves as the Todd and Joe Show."
    Boehm, formerly a professor in the department, went on to become vice provost at OSU and three years ago was named vice chancellor at the University of Nebraska.
    In that 10 years, the two are almost inseparable - professionally, at least.
    "I cover research, and Joe helps me. Joe covers extension, and I help him," Hicks said. 
    "We spend way too much time together. We know each other's families: I know his; he knows mine. I joke that in a couple more years, we are going to be common-law married."
    Hicks, 51, credits the U.S. Army for giving him the mettle needed to get where he is today.
    A native of Mendon, Ohio, Hicks joined the Army after high school and served with the 82nd Airborne based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
    "I wanted to jump out of planes and blow **** up," he said. 
    "I told the recruiter I wanted to do something that I could tell stories about as an old man."
    The Army taught skills like patience, perseverance and focus.
    "If you make a mistake in the Army, someone dies. If you make a mistake here, it's grass, it will grow back," he said. 
    Rimelspach has been part of the OSU turf pathology program since 1992. Until Hicks came aboard, turnover in the program at the staff level was high, which led to all sorts of challenges.
    "Before Todd, there were different people here all the time and I was always training new people," Rimelspach said. "We didn't have consistency; consistency of getting work done right, or consistency of taking advantage of each person's skills and education.
    "I became more embedded in research at that time, and my main focus was working in the clinic diagnosing samples and giving extension talks around the state."

    Joe Rimelspach helps a group of turf managers identify various turf types at the OTF turfgrass research center in Columbus. Even when Hicks joined the department after graduating from OSU with a degree in agronomy in 2001, it took some time for the program to get on an even footing.
    "The girl who ran our field season was leaving, and I knew what that meant. It meant the field season was just Joe and myself with no help and no background info," Hicks said.
    "Joe and I spent the summer together piecing together what we needed to do field research. It was a long and hard process. If Joe wasn't such a good guy, I would have quit and never looked back. It was awful; no student help, half our trials didn't work. From that day forward, we worked to make things more reliable, easier and faster. We were all about working smarter, not harder.
    "When I got out of the service, I realized I could do anything as long as you are with good people. In the service, whatever you were doing might have stunk and sucked, but you had your buddies with you. Joe is my buddy, and that is how we have survived for so long."
    Although the program does not have anyone with the letters "Ph.D." behind their name, it is one of the country's top pathology programs.
    "Mike Boehm gave me just enough rope to either climb the ladder or hang myself," Hicks said. "There aren't too many people with a four-year degree who have gone from student researcher to heading up plant pathology research at a place like Ohio State University. "We're called by companies to conduct research on their products and kick off fungicides. We speak at meetings with colleagues around the country. 
    "Joe has a lot of years in this industry diagnosing things and working with chemistries, and he is as good or better than any Ph.D. I've worked with."
    In those early days, it wasn't uncommon for them to be spraying test plots until 11 p.m. while they figured out what worked, what didn't and where they could save time. In the two decades since, Rimelspach and Hicks have been busy building one of the countries busiest and most highly regarded turf pathology departments into a finely tuned machine that each admits he could not have done alone.
    "We learned from those days and initiated new systems to address those issues," Rimelspach said. "Todd was very organized. He set up new systems and new ways of doing things to make everything more efficient and more accurate. It pulled us both together to where we now play off each other's strengths."
    Besides conducting extension work statewide, through the years the turf pathology team has partnered with other entities around the state, including golf courses, parks and others to establish remote test sites to monitor disease pressure and fungicide efficacy under a wide range of conditions.
    "Joe is constantly in the field, and he is our eyes and ears as to what is going on around the state," said Dave Shetlar, Ph.D., professor emeritus of entomology at Ohio State. "Todd is always tending their applied research projects, mainly at the turfgrass facility, but also at some remote locations."
    At times, that even includes the classroom, where the two teach what used to Boehm's turf fungicide class. 
    Over time, the setting for that class has often met in a location where both are more comfortable - on the research plots at the OTF research facility.
    "We talk about diseases, but we also get them outside in the field," Hicks said. "Too much is done in a book, and there is a big difference between what happens in a book and what happens in real life out in the field."
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