I'm leaving because the weather is too good. I hate London when it's not raining." Groucho Marx
"That does somewhat change up the timing of our herbicide applications, or actually does it?" Gardner said. Phenological indicators for crabgrass applications, like forsythia bloom, have been the same this year and last despite the temperature differences, he said. In the past few days, Gardner noted soil temperatures of 47 degrees in the top 2 inches at the OSU turfgrass research facility. With crabgrass emerging when soil temps are in the upper 50s, which likely will be in a week to 10 days, he says, so the time to treat for crabgrass in central Ohio is now. Although that is not a cookie-cutter solution, his advice provides a template for others to follow. "Get your pre-emergents down now so they have a little bit of time to be activated, that is dispersed by rainfall in order to get that layer spread on the ground and effective." In areas where winter annual broadleaf weeds are beginning to bloom, Gardner suggests making herbicide applications now before they seed. He recommends ester formulations because they are more suited to the prevailing conditions this spring. "It's going to be far more effective," he said, "in the cool conditions that we're having this year."