From my perspective, we are in uncharted territory. Some golf courses in Michigan have been open since February 18, while in some places they are still under a foot of snow."
What is this late cold snap going to mean? At least in the South, that's a really good question. "What is going to happen? We don't have a handle on what will happen when you go warm to cold to warm," Horvath said. "If you use covers (on greens), you should do OK with hard freeze situations. "New, green tissue could slough off and die. The plant can grow new tissue from the stolon, but how many times will that happen before it hinders the plant's ability to recover? I don't think anyone knows the answer to that." Research at the University of Tennessee has shown that late fall applications of Civitas have helped turf resist stress related to cold temperatures and remain green deeper into the calendar. Many superintendents in areas typically under cover of snow in December, January and February have been in full golf mode for much of the past month. And that actually might be a bonus moving into spring, Frank said. "Everyone is so alert because of how early spring started, that if something happens they're ready for it," Frank said. "I don't know if completely out of the realm. In 2011-2012, you could have played golf all winter."