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From the TurfNet NewsDesk

  • John Reitman
    Golf course superintendents often say the only thing separating them from farmers is the crop each grows.   Superintendents can look to traditional farmers in one of the world's most fertile food-producing regions for a valuable lesson on water use.   According to research conducted by NASA and Stanford University, underground aquifers in some parts of California's San Joaquin Valley have been so overtaxed that the ground's ability to hold water has been irreversibly damaged. Overpumping from 2007 to 2010, researchers say, has led to the ground subsiding by as much as 3 feet in some areas. Subsidence occurs when water is extracted from the earth, causing underground pockets that once held water to collapse.   If too much water is extracted from clay layers, the compaction becomes so great that the soil's ability to retain water is permanently diminished, according to Stanford researchers.   Thanks to an abundance of rain and snow in the the higher elevations that have helped recharge surface water reservoirs around the state, California Gov. Jerry Brown declared on April 7 that the state's most recent drought was over. Lakes that once were nearly dry now are full. Lake Oroville, the second-largest reservoir in California's complex matrix of surface water impoundments that move water around the state, was in the news daily when it came crashing through its spillway this winter.   That news has done little to alleviate concerns in areas where groundwater supplies remain sparse.   Thanks to overpumping of groundwater and ensuing subsidence, the San Joaquin Valley alone has permanently lost underground water-storage capacity of 336,000-600,000 acre feet, according to the study. For perspective, the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, which delivers drinking water to San Francisco and is the 22nd largest water-storage impoundment in California, has a capacity of 360,000 acre feet.   Researchers say they expect at least that much underground water-storage space was lost again in California's most recent drought.    Folks in the Coachella Valley have taken notice. The Palm Springs area, which receives only about 5-6 inches of rain per year, gets its water from a variety of sources, including groundwater and the Colorado River.    According to the Coachella Valley Water District, more than 20 courses in the valley use recycled water or a mix that also includes Colorado River water. Twenty-nine courses take water directly from the Colorado and 73 others pump groundwater. The goal is to eventually get at least 50 courses in the valley on recycled water.   Recently, the CVWD announced its third "cash for grass" program for golf courses that pays water users to convert irrigated turf to non-irrigated land.   Just as it did in the previous cash for grass programs the CVWD will pay $15,000 for each acre of irrigated turf that is converted to desert xeriscape. The program is funded through a $5.24 million grant from California's Proposition 84 Implementation Grants program.   A total of 16 golf courses took part in one or both of the previous rebate programs, including and removed 129.5 acres of turf resulting in an estimated saves of 800 acre feet of water per year, or enough to provide water for 1,000 homes for one year, according to the district.   The cap for the third rebate program is a total of $1 million. At least six courses so far have signed up to take part in the latest cash for grass program, totaling $420,000 in rebates.   
  • For nearly two decades, more people than not who work in the golf business have been fixated on finding ways to draw people into the game.    That drive started in 2000 with the lofty goal of adding 20 million new golfers and increasing rounds played to 1 billion per year by 2020. Since then, it has been one industry-driven program after another, all with the promise of attracting new players and convincing those already in the game to play more often.   Almost 20 years later, all there is to show for these efforts are 8 million fewer golfers playing 60 million fewer rounds than when this all began.   Here are the facts: Men in Generations X and Y are leaving the game. Minorities are walking away in droves. After showing several years of marginal growth, women too are finding other ways to spend their leisure time - and money. Even kids are opting for other sports over golf. According to the NGF, the only people holding up the game and preventing anything short of an all-out collapse are white male Baby Boomers and Traditionalists who came in the generation prior to World War II.   Although it is good that those groups are supporting the industry, it does not bode well for the future of the game . . . or those who work in it.   So much for the success of broad, sweeping, industry initiatives.   A lot of people try golf, but few stick with it. It is expensive, takes a long time to play and it is very difficult to learn, offering zip in the way of immediate positive reinforcement for millennials, who, according to study after study, are a needy generation in constant need of validation of its self worth. And golf is not a game for those who struggle with adversity or self-confidence and choose a "safe space" over outdoor space.   There is no escaping the fact that the future of the game depends on getting children involved. Just how best to do that has been a mystery as they (and their parents) seek travel sports over golf.   Since 1997, The First Tee has been introducing the game to children - many of whom are at-risk and otherwise would not have an avenue to golf. It does much more than just give them an opportunity to learn and play the game, it acquaints them with the game in the right way, but teaching nine core values that are key to succeeding not only on the course, but in life: honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, respect, confidence, responsibility, perseverance, courtesy, and judgment. Try getting that with free lessons.   According to a report by Springfield College conducted for The First Tee in 2015, 90 percent of the players who went through the program, including 80 percent of teenagers, consider themselves lifelong golfers. Likewise, 90 percent of First Tee alumni credit the program for improving their golf skills, 85 percent said it made them a better student and more than 70 percent said they are active in community service because of their experience in The First Tee, which has introduced the game to more than 4 million youths since since 1997.   If those statistics are accurate, that means about 3.5 million First Tee participants and alumni are still in the game.   Introducing the game to adults who never have played is a daunting task. With so much competition for people's time and attention, convincing them to spend four hours on a golf course at a game that might take years to learn is a big ask. In previous generations, scores of kids were introduced to the game through caddying. That created a pipeline of lifelong golfers, but today caddies are found only at private clubs and resorts, and even there the numbers are dwindling.    The demise of this demographic has created a vacuum, eliminating a natural bridge to the game for thousands of kids every year.   Jim Koppenhaver, the owner of Pellucid Corp., the Chicago-based company that crunches all of the data in the golf business, got it right at the 2016 PGA Merchandise Show when he said the first priority for golf courses everywhere should be to coax the customers they already have to play more. Only after that has been accomplished should they chase new money.   The success of industry initiatives designed to grow the game are difficult at best to quantify, especially when the overall numbers - of both golfers and rounds played - continue to spiral downward like they have during the past decade. One thing is clear, introducing the game to children has to a lot easier than convincing people in their 30s and 40s - with young kids at home playing travel soccer, baseball or volleyball - to give up their Saturdays to play nine or 18 holes (or even just three or six for that matter).   Although it is important for every golf facility to maximize its current customer base, i.e., get existing golfers to play more, the future of the game and the health of the industry require making the game more attractive to more people. Period.   There is no such thing as a cookie-cutter solution to growing the game. By now, the many PGA-led initiatives that have come down the road in the past two decades have provided enough of a menu that golf courses can order items a la carte to try to grow the game. Whether it involves attracting more women by making the course and the overall operation more inviting to them, offering free lessons, or creating short-hole loops or other ways to ferry people on and off the course as quickly as possible, every course seeking to grow the game has to find a solution that works for them.   At some point, those efforts will have to include finding ways to introduce the game to more children. Now, you have the data, both bad (that shows how adults are abandoning the game) and the good (which highlights the positive effects of youth programs) to prove it.  
  • Beating an old disease foe is going to require a new way of thinking. That was take-home message in a recent TurfNet University Webinar by Rick Latin, Ph.D., plant pathologist at Purdue University.   Reliance on fungicides is the rule, not the exception when it comes to managing dollar spot. Over the past several years, however, many of the older chemistries, including DMI fungicides and iprodione, have developed resistance issues with the dollar spot pathogen, Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. Likewise, modern management practices often can reduce fungicide efficacy.   Maximizing fungicide effectiveness, Latin said, means incorporating other methods to reduce disease pressure. That includes incorporating things such as cultural practices and the use of biological products that can "help" reduce the threat of dollar spot.   "So, if we can use our knowledge and our skill to reduce disease pressure by attacking these different aspects (that influence fungicide efficacy)," Latin said during the Webinar presented by BASF, "we can get more effective and efficient use out of our fungicides."   CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE WEBINAR   Dollar spot is an old disease that is active throughout most of the growing season. And it has been a challenge for golf course superintendents for decades. Although it seems to be more aggressive in its behavior today than several years ago, it actually hasnt changed much, Latin said. What has changed are management practices that make turf more susceptible and threaten the efficacy of fungicides.   "I always get the question about how has dollar spot changed over time; it seems so much more aggressive, so much more severe when it does occur," Latin said during the webinar presented by BASF.   "When we look at the isolates, look at the cultures, they look the same. We can pull some from the '70s and some that are current and they look kind of the same. What isnt the same is management practices."   When Latin was in turf school in the 1970s, fairways were maintained at cutting heights of up to an inch and native soil greens were mowed as high as 0.375, with nitrogen applications as high as 6 pounds.   Turf that is mowed much lower and maintained with much less N is more susceptible to the disease. Throw in a host of other factors that influence fungicide efficacy and the result is a disease that is becoming more of a challenge thanks to manmade issues rather than evolution by the pathogen.   "More fungicide is required for control when disease pressure is high," Latin said.   "When we reduce diseases pressure, fungicides and fungicide programs work more efficiently."   Cultural practices that can help maximize fungicide efficiency include mowing less often and rolling more and increased fertility applications. It also includes mowing in the morning and removing morning dew to dry the leaf blade.   "All fungi require free moisture for infection," he said. "If we can influence that by even a few hours we can turn something that might be a serious problem to something that is more or less of a nuisance."   Fungicide resistance also is a barrier to dollar spot management. This affects many of the older chemistries, especially single-site penetrants such as iprodione and DMI class fungicides.   Newer chemistries like SDHIs and multi-site inhibitors including chlorothalonil and fluazinam are better options today, but should be used in a program to guard against future resistance issues.   "(T)he likelihood that a pathogen strain is going to evolve to the point of resistance to chlorothalonil is as close to zero as we can get in biology," Latin said.   "Now we have SDHIs. What have we learned from handling those older compounds that we can use to preserve the SDHI (class) for a longer period of time?"  
  • A picture is worth a thousand words. In the case of Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton, Georgia, home of one of the South's most highly regarded turf programs, its Forest Lakes Golf Club is a picture that - for obvious reasons - must be preserved like an art museum would dote over a masterpiece.   For fifth-year superintendent and ABAC alumnus Austin Lawton, some generous industry supporters have helped him paint the golf course - and the university - in a positive light.   "We're not Augusta, but we're way better than we used to be," Lawton said.    Nestled in the historic hotbed of Bermudagrass research, nine-hole Forest Lakes was donated to the university 15 years ago by Dr. Larry Moorman, a Tifton-area ophthalmologist. Since then, keeping the course in top shape has been a financial challenge.   Recently, Forest Lakes received several donations that have helped Lawton make improvements to the course that he otherwise could not.   Hunter Industries stepped up with about $10,000 in new sprinkler heads and satellite system. Pennington Seed contributed $2,200 in perennial ryegrass seed and the University of Georgia Tifton campus chipped in $3,500 worth of TifTuf sprigs for an ongoing practice range-improvement project.    Moorman, the property's original owner, paid the $3,000 bill for clearing trees necessary for other course-improvement projects. Other contributions include free use of a Bobcat the past two years from Brown & Cox, a well-drilling company in nearby Oxford, Georgia.    "For all the time I've used that Bobcat, it would have probably cost me another $10,000 to rent one," Lawton said.   Hunter has been contributing irrigation equipment since east coast sales manager Kevin Johnson and Lawton met at the 2013 Golf Industry Show in San Diego. Johnson had heard about ABAC's plight and thought helping the course was a good way to showcase his company's products. Since 2014, the company has donated $30,000-$35,000 in sprinkler heads, controllers and tools to service them.     John Layton was Forest Lakes' second superintendent, serving from 2008 until 2012. He went on to earn a master's degree from ABAC where he now is an assistant professor of environmental horticulture. Lawton has been the superintendent ever since. It was under Layton that the course's slow-but-steady revival began.   When Lawton took over as superintendent in 2012 only about 60 percent of the property's 170 irrigation heads were functioning. Thanks to Hunter, he has been able to fix or replace all the non-working parts and has 100 percent coverage. Another 50-60 heads are scheduled to arrive in a few weeks, and Lawton's goal is to eventually replace all of Forest Lakes' irrigation components with Hunter parts as the donations roll in.    "When the school took over the golf course, it wasn't in very good shape," Lawton said. "(Layton) first turned around the golf course and got it into good shape. From 2012 to the present, I've been able to get it into what I would consider excellent condition. I've just be building on what John started."   Presenting the course in the best light possible is important not only for Forest Lakes' operations, but for ABAC's turf program, as well, said Lawton, who employs seven ABAC turf students on his crew. After all, if a college can't manage its own golf course, what would that say about the quality of its turf program?   "It helps with the recruitment of students for the turf program," Lawton said. "It also helps recruiting for the golf team, because they practice here."   The savings allow Lawton to undertake other improvement projects, like an expansion of the practice range, including a new teeing area and practice bunker that his ABAC students are building, including grading the floor and installing new drainage.   "We are now one of the best golf courses in the area," Lawton said, "and we're going to keep making it better. It's an ongoing process."  
  • While many of the agrichemical giants that dominate the turf market have made news in recent years for mergers, two other companies that service the golf industry are making headlines for a more unique relationship.   Philadelphia-based FMC Corp. and DuPont (E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.) of Wilmington, Delaware, have reached a deal April 3 in which each will trade or sell parts of its respective company to the other.   Under the deal, FMC will buy part of DuPont's crop protection division that includes a line largely comprised of chewing insecticides and cereal broadleaf herbicides that generated $1.4 billion in revenue in 2016. The deal also includes DuPont's 470-acre research facility in Delaware. In return, DuPont will acquire all of FMC's health and nutrition line of drug additives, which had sales of $700 million last year.    As part of the deal, FMC will pay DuPont $1.6 billion to compensate for the difference in value of the respective assets.   The transaction, which is expected to clear regulatory review late this year, will satisfy DuPont's commitments to the European Commission in connection with its proposed $130 billion merger with Dow Chemical announced in 2015. The Dow merger was expected to close in the first half of this year, but has been delayed likely until the third quarter, marking the third delay in the transaction's closing.   According to DuPont, the new company that will emerge from the Dow merger will retain a presence in insecticides and herbicides in its agriculture division after the transaction is complete.   The deal will make FMC Agricultural Solutions the fifth largest crop protection chemical company in the world by revenue, with estimated annual revenue of approximately $3.8 billion. 
  • Despite a name that some view as the butt of a joke (Randy Wilson, you know who you are), the emerald ash borer and the threat it poses to trees and forests throughout the country is no laughing matter.   Although the EAB has no natural predators in North America, it is slowly moving across the country. Once a problem confined to parts of the upper Midwest and Mid Atlantic regions, this tiny invasive pest is causing big problems in ash trees across a range that now includes 30 states, including 10 west of the Mississippi.   The culprit, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture is you. Well, not necessarily you, but maybe someone you know, namely those who are moving it - literally - by the truckload.   The ash borer is native to eastern Asia and was first discovered in the Detroit area in 2002 after it is believed to come to the U.S. in wood packing material aboard a Chinese freighter. It has no natural predators in North America to stop its slow, but deliberate spread across the continent.   Today, its range stretches from Quebec and Ontario in Canada east to New Hampshire, south to Georgia and westward as far as Colorado and Texas. To date, EAB has killed billions of ash trees in North America, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.   Its rapid spread has been blamed largely on moving infested firewood. In response, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has limited or prohibited interstate movement of firewood in an effort to restrict or at least slow the movement of the pest.   Fines for moving infested firewood can range from $1,000 up to $250,000 with violators also facing as much as five years in jail.   That has done little to stop EAB or those with whom it hitches a ride.   States where the ash borer's presence has been confirmed include: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachussets, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin.  
    Fines for moving infested firewood can range from $1,000 up to $250,000 with violators also facing as much as five years in jail."
    Scientists believe that the pest eventually will reach the entire ash tree range in North America, an area that covers parts of at least 42 U.S. states and six Canadian provinces. Each ash borer, however, only flies a few miles throughout its lifecycle.    EAB kills ash trees by disrupting the uptake of water and nutrients through the trunk and into the upper reaches of the tree.    Adult females, which grow to about a half-inch in length, create a hole in the bark into which they deposit their eggs. After hatching, the larvae feed on and chew galleries through the tissue beneath the bark layer, disrupting the tree's ability to move water and nutrients through its vascular system. In the spring, new adults chew through the bark and emerge leaving behind a D-shaped exit hole before flying into the canopy to ingest ash leaves and the reproductive process begins all over again.   Symptoms of infestation include thinning of the canopy and sprouts growing from holes in the trunk that were created by the pests, along with an scores of hungry woodpeckers that eat them. According to the Ohio Department of Agriculture, canopies of mature ash tree typically are decimated within two years of infestation and the trees dead within five years.   Tree canopies can be wiped out within two years, and mature, healthy trees typically are dead within three to four years. All native North American ash species are susceptible to damage.   It has been problematic on golf courses with heavy ash tree populations as dead or dying trees become not only an eyesore, but a safety concern as well.   During the past three years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved the use of four species of parasitic wasps, none of which are native to North America.   According to the USDA, which raises the parasitic wasps in a Michigan laboratory, Spathius galinae, Oobius agrili, Spathius agrili and Tetrastichus planipennisi are non-stinging natural predators of EAB that are native to Asia and do not parasitise other hosts.   There are several chemical control options available for EAB, but the massive range and mobility of the pest make widespread use of pesticides an expensive choice. According to research conducted by scientists at Purdue University, municipalities have elected to either remove healthy trees to reduce the threat or at least target specific trees for chemical control of the pest due to the cost involved.   
  • Life as an early adopter of new technology often means walking a fine line between being a cutting-edge turf manager and someone perceived as a someone who just likes the latest gadgets.
      Thomas Bastis, CGCS, is one of those early adopters. Every time some company comes up with a new way to help him maximize resources and playing conditions at the California Golf Club of San Francisco, he tries to be cognizant of how the latest technology will be perceived by members. Some of the things he's used on the golf course, including multiple drones outfitted with a GoPro and an Air2G2 compressed-air aerifier, he has bought with his own money because, while nice to have, they are not essential for day-to-day maintenance.   "I have to be careful what I ask the club for," Bastis said. " Is this something he needs, or is this just another toy for Thomas? All he wants are gadgets and gizmos.' I get that a lot."   The latest tech tools soon to make their way to the Cal Club are no toys, and the way they will help Bastis better utilize his resources is not a game.   In June, he will acquire a pair of RG3 robotic greensmowers from Cub Cadet. He has been intrigued by the technology since it was launched about seven years ago by Precise Path, and even attended demo events in Florida and San Diego. But it wasn't until Precise Path was acquired by Cub Cadet's parent company, MTD Products, in 2015 that he started to give it serious consideration.   "I always knew what it was capable of doing," he said. "For me, it was more about the company than the product. Now I know I'm not going to get stuck with these things"   Convincing dues-paying members of the benefits of such technology is a bit more challenging, especially since the pervasive trickle down of a slow golf economy. To get buy in Bastis had to prove the RG3 could do much more than just mow in a straight line every time.    As the saying goes, money talks, and with the cost of labor on the rise in California where minimum wage is rising and is expected to hit $15 per hour in the next few years - a 33 percent jump compared with last year - the economics of golf is an increasingly easy case to make.   "Members can smell that change is coming, but they're not close enough to it to know what to make of it," Bastis said. "The cost of labor is going up, and the days of adding more staff in the future are gone. We have to prepare ourselves with technology. We have to find ways to make the staff we have now more effective.  
    The turns it takes are the types turns I want my guys to make. It's not whipping it around and getting done as fast as possible."
    "The hard part about technology is proving to people that these things work. There is a lot of trust that you have a superintendent who can handle this. This is not a drone. They want to know what the return is on their investment and where are we going as a club."   The answer to that question, Bastis says, is toward greater overall efficiency.   The RG3 mows consistent lines and boundaries thanks to a system of beacons and underground wires that that create the equivalent of an invisible fence. It also does the jobs of several workers, Bastis says.   His crew is organized into groups of four members each, with each group assigned a different part of the golf course, and each member of each group assigned a specific set of tasks. One blows and mows greens and rakes bunkers, another rolls greens, another changes cups and another carries a TDR meter and is responsible for hand-watering.   Although the RG3 still needs a chaperone on every green, the idea, Bastis says, is that it eventually will allow him to economize labor.   "What I'm trying to do is eliminate two of them," he said.   "I can reassign them to do other things. That, to me, is going to pay for itself."   For Bastis, the RG3 is more than an acceptable replacement for an operator manning a walk mower. Although it is slower than a human operator, it mows in straight lines all the time, and more importantly, is better on turns, he said.   "The turns it takes are the types turns I want my guys to make. It's not whipping it around and getting done as fast as possible," he said.   "I don't mind that it mows slower. We need that time for the guy who is with it to finish what he is doing."    As with any new technology, the $64,000 question is how relevant will it be in the future.   "There is an economics in the game of golf that rears its head," Bastis said.    "This is a slippery slope. Where are we going to be with this stuff in 10 years? The hope is 10 to 15 years from now that we are less five laborers. Maybe we have one or two more mechanics, and maybe one of them will need an engineering degree."    
  • It's that time of year again. No, we're not talking about the run-up to rapidly approaching The Masters. We're talking about the lead-in to the summer weed season, which is coming just as quickly.   Each spring, as turf breaks free from its dormant slumber, other things are awakening underground.   The positive attributes of yellow nutsedge begin - and end - with its vibrant, lime-green color. After that, it's all downhill for this invasive and hard-to-control plant.   There are two types of nutsedge that are problematic for turf managers in the United States - yellow and purple.   Nutsedge germinates usually in April or May, depending on geographic location and climate. Both yellow and purple varieties grow from tubers, or nutlets, that grow at the end of rhizomes, and a single plant is capable of producing hundreds of new tubers in a single growing season.  According to research at Penn State, each tuber has numerous buds, each of which can produce several new plants.    Yellow nutsedge is at home in wet conditions, so eliminating overwatering and improving drainage in trouble spots can help, but it can survive just fine in drier conditions, too. After germination, the plant thrives throughout summer as it works to outcompete cool-season turf. It is prolific at reproduction and spreads rapidly to other areas defined by poorly draining soils.   Sedges are tolerant to mowing, and although they often look like many grass species, they can be easy to spot, according to information from Purdue University, not only due to their bright, lime-green color, but because they grow faster than the turf they invade.   By mid-summer, plants begin to add new tubers that set the stage for recurring problems in the future, according to data published by North Carolina State University.   While it typically is considered a summer problem, yellow nutsedge is a cold-tolerant pest and often hangs on until the first frost, according to Penn State data. Frost will kill the lush, leafy plant above ground, but does nothing to thwart the tubers below the surface.   Preventive and post-emergent control options, according to university research include mesotrione or a combination of sulfentrazone and prodiamine. Post-emergent control recommendations include halosulfuron and flazasulfuron.   Purple nutsedge is a different animal. Unlike yellow nutsedge, which is native to the U.S., purple nutsedge is an invasive species that made its way over from India. Confined mostly to the southwestern and southeastern parts of the U.S., it thrives in warm-season turf. As is the case with other sedges, it thrives in wet soils, but isn't limited to damp conditions.   It is unique in that tubers often are connected underground by a matrix of rhizomes, making it much more difficult to control, as per University of Arizona research.   The same products that work to control yellow nutsedge also are effective against purple nutsedge, according to North Carolina State University data. 
  • For more than five decades, children throughout northwestern Ohio had a love-hate relationship with Dr. Charles Spragg.   The pain they might have endured as patients  with Spragg's dental practice in Findlay, Ohio, was only temporary, but the opportunities he provided to generations of kids as an advocate for youth golf will last a lifetime.   Now, that relationship is relegated to memory.    Spragg, who co-founded the Findlay Area Golf Association more than 40 years ago and served as its only president, died March 27 at his winter home in Bradenton, Florida. He was 76.    "The news of Doc has been pretty tough to swallow," said University of Cincinnati men's golf coach Doug Martin, a former PGA Tour professional who grew up playing in the association Spragg started. "His legacy is that he will go down as one of the most influential people in Hancock County.   "Anyone who met Charlie was touched by Charlie."   Known simply as "Doc", Spragg arguably impacted the game in northwestern Ohio more than anyone short of Jack Nicklaus. He loved kids and he loved golf, and he recognized the importance of growing the game through youngsters years ahead of industry initiatives. Long before The First Tee, the youth golf league that Spragg founded in 1975 introduced the game to hundreds of children, providing them with instruction and a competitive environment. He also spent the past four years as Findlay High School's boys golf coach.   Martin's father, Lynn, was a local high school coach and golf legend, and was among a small group of civic leaders who helped co-found the Findlay association that also produced former University of Michigan women's coach Cheryl Stacey.   "Look at Charlie. Whatever he touches is done in a first-class manner. There was no doing things second-rate with him," Martin said. "The Findlay Area Golf Association wasn't about Charlie; it was about growing the game. There was no financial interest. It was strictly about boys and girls in northwest Ohio playing golf."   The FAGA also promotes life skills such as sportsmanship, integrity, honesty and respect. Hard work and perseverance are recognized with player-of-the-year and sportsmanship awards as well as scholarship assistance for graduating high school seniors who have played in the system for at least three years.   "He loved the game, loved the kids and he enjoyed watching us grow up," Martin said. "He helped keep us out of trouble. It was known that if you played in his association, you were going to do it the right way. He demanded that."   Through the years, the Findlay association touched hundreds if not thousands of local youths.   "My greatest reward was that we started something that has survived for 40 years," Spragg told TurfNet in 2014. "We've had some of the greatest kids you could ever want. It's been rewarding to watch them play, go on to college and succeed in their lives. It's always a reward when you see young people succeed."   Jordan Schroeder, head pro at Findlay Country Club, was the recipient of the association's Dr. Charles Spragg Male Player of the Year Award in 1999. Two years later, he received FAGA's Walt Whithaus Male Sportsmanship Award, which is named for the local Pizza Hut restaurateur and longtime supporter of youth golf. When handing out credit for those who helped shape his career in golf, Schroeder deferred to Spragg.   "Dr. Spragg has been a long time contributor to the development of many junior players in the area, including myself. He has donated his time over the years guiding the kids and helping them become the people they are today," Schroeder said. "As a former FAGA Sportsman of the Year and Player of the Year, FAGA gave me the opportunity to compete at local golf courses, develop my skills, and have fun playing golf with my friends. I truly thank him for all of the time, work, and effort he has put in for junior golf in the Findlay area."   The association was started by a group of civic leaders that included Spragg initially as a way to promote the game to players of all ages, but organizers soon realized the association's future was in promoting the game to children. Each year, the association conducts 10 tournaments at local courses, with boys and girls players segregated by age rather than a USGA index, followed by a season-ending championship at Findlay Country Club. Registration fees are $30 for the year, with tournament fees of $16 per player for 18 holes and $14 for nine holes (for younger players), including a hotdog and drink.   The program has been equally economical for local sponsors who are asked to pay $300 each, the same fee they paid in FAGA's inaugural year of 1975, to help keep the association afloat.   A native of Bridgeport, Ohio, Spragg graduated from Ohio State's dental school in 1965 and joined the Army soon after. He spent four years and two months in the service, including three years at a military hospital in Germany. He says he learned a lifetime of dentistry in those four-plus years. It was during his last year of dental school at Ohio State that he learned an appreciation for golf.   His most memorable playing experiences include Augusta National, Pebble Beach and Olympia Fields. "My wife doesn't ask me anymore if' I'm playing," Spragg told TurfNet. "She asks when is my next tee time."   While early FAGA tournaments were on the brink of 100 players, today tournaments boast 30 to 40 participants as golf clubs take a back seat to travel sports leagues, video games and other distractions.   Those who come out to play each week do so, Spragg said, for the love of the game.   "You'll see some kids who've just taken up the game come out and shoot 140 or 150 over 18 holes, but they don't quit," he had said. "The next week, there they are again, trying to get better. To me, that is the best reward of all, to keep them involved in doing something positive and trying harder each week."
  • Long before the phrase "fake news" became part of the pop culture vernacular, stopping the spread of misinformation was an oft-used tactic in golf.   Before anyone waives a finger at the turf media crying "fake news,", let it be known that the purveyors of false truths in this business often are golfers who do not have the correct information about what is going on at their golf course. Uninformed and left to their own devices, they will draw their own conclusions about why there is dead turf on No. 3 or dry spots on the 15th green. If there are issues with irrigation coverage or an onslaught of anthracnose sweeping through the Mid-Atlantic, they don't know the truth if someone does not take time to tell them. All they know is it appears someone is not doing their job, and that's when trouble can begin.   John Cunningham, CGCS, the director of agronomy and assistant general manager at Bellerive Country Club in St. Louis always believed he was pretty good at communicating with members during a career that has included stops at handful of top clubs across three states. Today, he knows he's a great communicator, and he has a golfer at the Four Seasons Resort in Irving, Texas to thank for it.   "I had a green chairman at the Four Seasons who was a communications executive with a Fox affiliate, and he always told me, 'John, you can never over-communicate,' " Cunningham said. "That has always stuck with me."   That ability also has come in handy for Cunningham, as well as many other professional turf managers.    Nowadays, Cunningham writes a newsletter and sends out numerous emails to his members about what is taking place. Whether it is something simple about the ins and outs of hand-water or hydrojecting, and how both can help him and his team maximize playing conditions or what is being done to repair bentgrass greens that didn't make it through the summer, Cunningham keeps his members in the know about everything.   "Communication is like managing turf: It can be preventive or curative," he said. "I prefer preventive over curative. I'd rather spend time on the front end. For those who say they don't have time to always send out emails ahead of time, tell me when you're having to put out fires how much time that takes.   "Our job is to put out fake news."   Whether it's Twitter, Facebook, email, a newsletter or some other avenue doesn't much matter, as long as it reaches members, Cunningham said.   "You have the ability to snap a picture with your phone and in five minutes let everyone in on what is going on ," he said.   "A lot of members here don't play golf every week. They don't know what is going on here all the time. Our approach is to take everyone along for the ride," he said. "When you do newsletter, do you print it put it on wall in locker room? Is that old school? I don't think so. It's just another platform."   His members appreciate being kept in the loop about everything that is taking place on their property.   "I just want to know what is going on said Tom Schneider, M.D., a St. Louis-area surgeon and a former green chairman at Bellerive. "People are always asking questions. It's better for everyone to see what is going on. That helps keep the rumors away.   "Surprises are terrible in this kind of environment."   Josh Clevenger also learned the fine art of communication from a golfing member at Claremont Country Club in California.   When Clevenger was hired as an assistant about seven years ago under longtime superintendent Randy Gai, Claremont's green chairman was an advertising executive "who would bang his hand on the table and say 'you can't communicate enough,' " Clevenger said.   To that end, Clevenger maintains a blog, sends out periodic emails, writes a weekly report for the club web site and, just as important, spends time where golfers can have access to him.   "On Saturday mornings, I spend time in the golf shop," he said. "Blogging is one thing. It's another to be face to face with people who don't go on the blog.   "I should have minored in communication for all the writing I do."   Communicating with golfers is a journey, not a destination, says Matt Ceplo of Rockland Country Club in Sparkill, New York, because no matter how much information a superintendent tries to share with golfers, a sizeable chunk of the target population won't ever see it.   "I'm not saying it's not important. I'm not saying don't do it," Ceplo said. "Do more. Just don't assume it is all read. That's why it's also important to be visible and answer questions."   It is equally important, Ceplo said, to communicate all of your good news. When the course is purring along on all eight cylinders, that is when superintendents often have freedom for pet projects and other things.   "If you are hosting a girl scout troop and that gets picked up in the paper, members get a kick out of that. They enjoy that. As long as you have good greens, tees and fairways you can do things like that," Ceplo said. "You don't want them to see you hosting a bird count if you have dead greens. You have to pick and choose places and be aware that everything fits in a pecking order."   There is more to being successful than communicating only with golfers. Since superintendents largely operate behind the scenes, at least compared with other departments within a golf facility, it is important to educate those who might be asked to speak on your behalf.   "I have a pro who is a great communicator and is very supportive of me," Clevenger said. "Keeping him in the loop is important, making sure he and his staff have the right information and answers for golfers."   Communicating across departments was imperative when Cunningham was at the Four Seasons, a resort property with a hotel, two golf courses, an annual PGA Tour event and 800-plus employees.   "The reservations department has to know what was planned for the golf course 16 months from now when someone is booking it," he said.    "Everyone knew what was going on. Everyone worked together."   That's good, because fake news and surprises are terrible in this business.
  • The disappointment in Ed Nangle's voice is unmistakeable when he talks about what a "bad" year it has been so far for snow mold in northeastern Ohio.   "I am!" Nangle replied with more than just a hint of cynicism when asked if he was disappointed that his phone has not been ringing off the hook with calls from golf course superintendents eager to stem an onslaught of snow mold.   As an assistant professor of turfgrass management at Ohio State ATI and one of the country's leading experts on snow mold , Nangle has a deep appreciation for stone cold dead turf as well as the pathogens that cause it. He and a few of his colleagues shared their passion for death and destruction recently at a pink snow mold field day at the ATI campus in Wooster.   "Pictures of dead grass are always good pictures to have. As horrific as it was in 2013 and 2014, there were pictures of dead grass that I may never get again," he said.   "I know snow mold causes frustration for others, but we have to understand that we can learn something from it."   Just maybe not this year.   Warmer-than-average temperatures throughout much of the eastern half of the country have made for conditions that, generally speaking, have not been conducive to snow mold development. For example, Chardon in northeastern Ohio is known as the state's "snowiest city" with average annual snowfalls of almost 110 inches. This year, only about half that amount has fallen.   There has been little prolonged snow cover needed to promote gray snow mold. And even pink snow mold, which needs little more than cool, damp and shady conditions to blossom, has had a tough time gaining a foothold in many areas. Although a broad, sweeping cold snap throughout most of March has scientists "hopeful".   Temperatures in the eastern half of the country have been more seasonable throughout March, meaning superintendents should be on the lookout at least for pink snow mold.   "In the Northeast, up until a few weeks ago, we've had pretty mild conditions that have not been conducive to snow mold," said Bruce Clarke, Ph.D., of Rutgers University. "March is typically a month when we see snow mold.   "For pink snow mold, you don't need snow. All you need is cold, moist weather. I can only speak for New Jersey, but superintendents probably should begin scouting their course."  
    I know snow mold causes frustration for others, but we have to understand that we can learn something from it."
    It also is never too late to review management practices for pink snow mold.   Pink snow mold thrives in temperatures between 35 degrees and 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and isolates can grow in shade in June with temperatures as high as the upper 60s, Clarke said. The pathogen also tends to be more active in high-pH soils. He warns not over fertilize late in fall because the pathogen also thrives when late-autumn turf is lush and succulent when it should be going into dormancy.   Clarke recommends two preventive applications of a tank mix of two or more fungicides three weeks apart in late fall.    Although there are not resistance issues with pink snow mold like there is with dollar spot control, some of the older chemistries Not tremendous resistance issues, like with dollar spot, some to some of older chemistries like benzimidazole are not as efficacious as they once were, so rotating chemistries is a must.   Tank mixing improves efficacy since different strains react differently to different chemistries, Clarke noted.   "Strobilurins and DMIs together work well for us," he said. "If you put them out alone, often you don't get control. There are multiple strains, and when you put them together they seem to take care of all the strains."   That should be enough until spring, when a subsequent application should be made to bridge the gap until temperatures climb.   Some areas, however, including mountainous regions and the Pacific Northwest often have conditions conducive to year-round pink snow mold activity.   While preventive fungicide applications in late fall and the use of covers can help prevent snow mold from appearing on putting greens, it is possible to have too much of a good thing, Clarke said.    Rutgers research shows that while permeable covers can help in the fight to manage pink snow mold, two covers atop one another traps moisture and results in increased incidence of the pathogen.   When Nangle went scouting for snow mold activity in advance of the field day conducted with ATI colleague Zane Raudenbush, Ph.D., and David Gardner, Ph.D. of OSU's main campus in Columbus, he found very limited activity.   But when some is spotted and the potential for damage is real, he reminds superintendents that it is important to stay in front of the problem with golfers and members.   "Use all methods necessary to communicate," Nangle said. "Go to the USGA. Go to your local golf association. When it's a rough winter, it's a rough winter for everybody. There is going to be some damage and you have to communicate that to your membership. Make sure everyone knows what is going on, because they'll think it is only happening to them."
  • Anuvia adds to sales team
      Anuvia Plant Nutrients recently added Chuck Barber to its turf sales team.   Barber will work with Anuvia's customer accounts and will be responsible for business development, strategic planning and relationship building to promote the company's slow-release plant nutrient products.    He previously was president of global sales for Eco Agro Resources as well as national accounts sales manager for Koch Agronomic Services, developing new fertilizer business and managing existing accounts; and for Agrotain International as accounts sales manager in Eastern U.S. and Canada. He has also worked for Griffin Industries and The Scotts Co.   Aqua-Aid, UT partner on Poa Day
      Aqua-Aid is partnering with the University of Tennessee Turfgrass Department on its annual #PoaDay Field Day LIVE event that showcases the UT turfgrass department's statewide research into annual bluegrass control programs for golf courses, sports fields and lawns.   This year, #PoaDay is scheduled for March 28. The event will be streamed via Facebook LIVE through the Aqua-Aid Facebook page beginning at 9 a.m. Viewers will have the opportunity to comment and ask questions.   The event will be available for on-demand viewing via the Aqua-Aid Facebook page and Aqua-Aid website.   Topics this year will include pre- and post-emergent herbicide programs for annual bluegrass control in turfgrass, the different herbicidal modes of action used for annual bluegrass control and how to optimize programs to mitigate problems associated with herbicide resistance.   Atlantic Golf & Turf taps Silva for NE region
      Atlantic Golf & Turf recently named David Silva as its new sales support manager. He brings extensive experience in distribution, logistics and product expertise to customers in the company's Northeast region.    Silva also will be responsible for bringing a new seed blending operation on line, expanding Atlantic's capability of providing custom seed mixes to the green industry throughout the Northeast.   Silva's previous experience includes being a location manager for Winfield Solutions as well as stints with Turflinks, Lesco and Lofts/Pennington throughout his 25-year career in the green industry.     He will be based at the company's headquarters in Turners Falls, Massachusetts.  
  • Winter in Michigan typically can be a long, cold test of one's patience. Not so much this year. In fact, Kevin Frank, Ph.D., of Michigan State University has been able to do something this winter he hasn't done in a long time.   "A lot of golf courses here have been open since mid-February," Frank said. "I've played nine holes twice already this year. While playing, I've been actively scouting for snow mold, and I've found only one spot of spring snow mold so far."   The average temperature in the East Lansing area in February was 43 degrees, a full 10 degrees warmer than the historic average, according to the National Weather Service. The highest temperature recorded for the month was 66 degrees on Feb. 22. Throughout the month, the temperature dipped below the freezing point on only five occasions. Typically, half the month is spent under freezing conditions.   Superintendents throughout much of the state already have made their first PGR application, and were counting down to the second one when Mother Nature hit the reset button, with daily highs in the 20s or 30s on 11 days during the first half of March. Growing degree days began to pile up in January and February, but have accumulated at a much slower pace since.   And although March 20 is the first official day of spring, more winter weather is expected for the plains, the upper Midwest and parts of just about every state east of the Mississippi that is not named Florida.   "From my perspective, we are in uncharted territory. Some golf courses in Michigan have been open since February 18, while in some places they are still under a foot of snow," Frank said. "There is a lot of discussion about will annual bluegrass be killed from such a rapid start in February followed by single-digit temperatures in March, and much of the research data tells us that it is going to be dead, but I don't think that is going to be the case."   Even though new growth has appeared - turf in the upper Midwest has been green at least since December and in some areas has at least given the appearance of being lush since last spring - the only real threat to annual bluegrass putting greens would be any freeze-thaw cycles where standing water is a problem, thus leading to the possibility of winter damage.   "If a superintendent has annual bluegrass greens, when any snow melts off, if there is a chance to get a refreeze, I'd recommend getting the water off the greens to avoid crown hydration," Frank said.    Unseasonably warm temperatures coupled with wet conditions, especially this early in the season, could leave the turf susceptible to disease, including dollar spot. Any chance of disease associated with abnormally high temperatures likely is not a problem throughout much of the Midwest, either.   According to Rick Latin, Ph.D., of Purdue University, the long-range forecast throughout Indiana, Ohio and Michigan calls for temperatures that are cooler than average through May.   "My sense is despite the mild conditions we had in February, we have more seasonable conditions now, and that has reset the pathogen in its cycle," Latin said. "The 30-year average indicates it is going to be unseasonably (cool) between now and May.   "Things are more normal now. The grass has a grayish green to it, rather than bright green. Fungus responds to two things: temperature and moisture. If the temperature is not there, it's not going to grow, and if it doesn't grow it won't infect and cause disease. My sense "   The exception throughout Indiana, Latin said, is the threat of pink snow mold in turf that already is susceptible to stress.   "The only exception is pink snow mold," Latin said. "Where we have scars coming out of winter, in those cases, there are a lot of spores produced around those scars, and with ample moisture that will set the stage for reinfection."   There are concerns south of the Mason-Dixon Line also, where a warm winter in January and February has given way to freeze warnings in March, especially in the transition zone.   "It depends if you're talking about Bermudagrass on fairways or greens," said Brandon Horvath, Ph.D. of the University of Tennessee. "On fairways you don't have to worry at all. It takes prolonged and multiple periods of cold to set those back."   On warm-season putting greens it is a different story.   "On ultradwarf greens, anything below 25 (degrees Fahrenheit) is a cause for concern," Horvath said. "These are not killing events, but it takes multiple periods of cold temperatures to cause damage. You have to be cognizant of covering greens. A couple weeks ago  we were in the upper 20s. That's not usually a concern, but because we've been so warm, I sent out a Tweet reminding superintendents to cover greens just to maintain any gains they've already gotten this season. Because they're already greening up, a hard frost can set you back again."  
    From my perspective, we are in uncharted territory. Some golf courses in Michigan have been open since February 18, while in some places they are still under a foot of snow."
    What is this late cold snap going to mean? At least in the South, that's a really good question.   "What is going to happen? We don't have a handle on what will happen when you go warm to cold to warm," Horvath said. "If you use covers (on greens), you should do OK with hard freeze situations.   "New, green tissue could slough off and die. The plant can grow new tissue from the stolon, but how many times will that happen before it hinders the plant's ability to recover? I don't think anyone knows the answer to that."   Research at the University of Tennessee has shown that late fall applications of Civitas have helped turf resist stress related to cold temperatures and remain green deeper into the calendar.   Many superintendents in areas typically under cover of snow in December, January and February have been in full golf mode for much of the past month. And that actually might be a bonus moving into spring, Frank said.   "Everyone is so alert because of how early spring started, that if something happens they're ready for it," Frank said. "I don't know if completely out of the realm. In 2011-2012, you could have played golf all winter."  
  • Curtis Nickerson once said that good golf course equipment managers were in such high demand in South Florida, that superintendents tried to keep the great ones under wraps. Once the word got out that someone had an exception wrench-turner, superintendents from other courses almost made a game of cherry-picking each others mechanics.   In the spirit of full disclosure, if you have a great equipment manager, someone who makes your operation run as smooth as a finely tuned engine, we want to hear about him, or her as the case may be.   If your equipment tech is great or just plain good, nominate him (or her) for TurfNet's 2017 Technician of the Year Award, presented by The Toro Company.   The winner will receive the Golden Wrench Award (a real gold-plated wrench) from TurfNet and a weeklong training session at Toro's Service Training University at the company's headquarters in Bloomington, Minnesota.   The Golden Wrench Award is the original award for golf course equipment managers. Criteria on which nominees are judged include: crisis management; effective budgeting; environmental awareness; helping to further and promote the careers of colleagues and employees; interpersonal communications; inventory management and cost control; overall condition and dependability of rolling stock; shop safety; and work ethic.   In other words, tell us what makes your technician worthy, with specific examples of what he or she has accomplished. The more we know, the better your tech's chances of getting noticed.   CLICK HERE to submit a nomination using our online form. All finalists and the winner will be profiled on TurfNet.   Deadline for nominations is April 30.   Previous winners are (2016) Kris Bryan, Pikewood National Golf Club, Morgantown, WV; (2015) Robert Smith, Merion Golf Club, Ardmore, PA; (2014) Lee Medeiros, Timber Creek and Sierra Pines Golf Courses, Roseville, CA; (2013) Brian Sjögren, Corral de Tierra Country Club, Corral de Tierra, CA; (2012) Kevin Bauer, Prairie Bluff Golf Club, Crest Hill, IL; (2011) Jim Kilgallon, The Connecticut Golf Club, Easton, CT; (2010) Herb Berg, Oakmont (PA) Country Club; (2009) Doug Johnson, TPC at Las Colinas, Irving, TX; (2007) Jim Stuart, Stone Mountain (GA) Golf Club; (2006) Fred Peck, Fox Hollow and The Homestead, Lakewood, CO; (2005) Jesus Olivas, Heritage Highlands at Dove Mountain, Marana, AZ; (2004) Henry Heinz, Kalamazoo (MI) Country Club; (2003) Eric Kulaas, Marriott Vinoy Renaissance Resort, Sarasota, FL. No award in 2008.
  • When Jim Pavonetti, CGCS, applied for a spot in the 2015 Syngenta Business Institute, he did so not to learn more about agronomy, but to develop and polish his management and business skills.   "The reason I came is because this deals with things that are outside of our wheelhouse," said Pavonetti of Fairview Country Club in Greenwich, Connecticut. "Making greens great is what we do, but managing boards and owners, those are the kinds of things we can improve upon."   Golf course superintendents seeking to enhance their business acumen can now apply for the 2017 Syngenta Business Institute, an intensive four-day program designed to grow the professional knowledge of golf course superintendents and assist them with managing their courses. Through a partnership with the Wake Forest University School of Business, the program provides graduate school-level instruction in financial management, human resource management, negotiating, managing across generations and cultural divides, impact hiring and other leadership- and professional-development skills.   "We're negotiating every day," Pavonetti said, "whether it's buying chemicals or fertilizers, or working with the finance committee over next year's budget, or selling projects to committees."   The ninth annual SBI is scheduled for Dec. 4-7, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Syngenta receives nearly 100 applications annually, but only about 25 superintendents are chosen to attend the program.   "I have attended many conferences and educational sessions in my career, but the Syngenta Business Institute is one of the most unique and rewarding experiences I have ever been part of," said 2015 SBI attendee John Cunningham, CGCS at Bellerive Country Club in St. Louis. "Golf course superintendents are truly responsible for running a business. Having the opportunity to attend three days of business classes focused on the many challenges we face as superintendents was unbelievable. Spending time with other superintendents was beneficial and walking away with best management practices, tools and solutions to help some of these problems was awesome."   To apply, visit GreenCastOnline.com/SBI. Application deadline is Aug. 15, and those selected to attend will be notified in October.  
  • This has been anything but a typical winter for Brian Conlon.   An assistant for the past three years at Miacomet Golf Club on Nantucket Island, Conlon usually spends the winter months keeping busy with offseason projects.    That was then; this is now.   This winter, Conlon, 25, has kept busy helping manage the golf course at one of Mexico's most posh resorts that is a retreat for wealthy business people and Hollywood celebrities.   "There are some locals who play every weekend, so we had to keep the course playable. But we spent a lot of time on projects like brush-cutting and controlled burns," Conlon said. "It wasn't anything I needed to be there for."   If he was going to become a better manager and agronomist and eventually a head superintendent, Conlon figured there had to be a better way to spend the winter. That's when superintendent Ryan Scotto reached out to a friend and former colleague working in Mexico to see if he needed help during the busy winter season.   "Nantucket is a summer destination, so a lot of people work here in summer and leave in winter.  Golf pros do it so why couldn't assistants?" Scotto said. "He brought up the idea of going somewhere warm but still working on a golf course. I thought it was a great idea and wanted him to go somewhere he would keep learning through the winter."   Since December, Conlon has been working as an assistant at El Dorado Golf and Beach Club in San Jose del Cabo working under Mitch Peterson. Scotto and Peterson worked together at the Valley Club of Montecito, in California, where they learned at the knee of Roger Robarge.   Today, Conlon is a little more than halfway through a four-month gig at El Dorado, where he is learning to push Bermudagrass greens more than he ever thought possible. Originally, Conlon was going to return to the U.S. in mid-March to start a new job as an assistant at Burning Tree Country Club in Greenwich, Connecticut, but Peterson convinced him to stay through El Dorado's biggest event of the year - Pins & Fins in late April.    It is a career-development route that Conlon recommends to other assistants aspiring to become a head superintendent.   "Don't be afraid to reach out to a superintendent looking for good help," Conlon said. "It's worth looking worth looking into for you and the superintendent.   "I'm down here gaining more experience and learning how another superintendent does things, and I'm also building up my professional network of superintendents."   Conlon paid his own way to Mexico and officially is an employee of El Dorado while he is working there.     It was important to Scotto to promote his assistant's career development, but to do so in a way that benefited all involved.   "There was also a level of trust involved," Scotto said. "I wouldn't have recommended someone to Mitch that I didn't support and wouldn't have sent Brian somewhere he wouldn't have learned from. Mitch and I have similar management styles, so I knew he would be a good fit."   Maintenance standards at El Dorado are off the chart, with daily green speeds around 13, or higher if there is an event coming up.   "The majority of clients at private and public courses in Mexican tourist destinations are Americans or Canadians," Peterson said. "These tourists are looking for equivalent of higher conditioning from their courses from home."   Conlon wasn't sure what that "higher conditioning" meant when he arrived in Mexico, but he knows now.   "The greens haven't been under 12.5 since I've been here," Conlon said. "For the first tournament, they were too fast to Stimp. We couldn't get them to stay on the ridge. If you rolled one way, there was not enough room to go down and back. They had to be about a 15.   "This is a high-end course where everything has to be perfect every day, because you never know who is going to be playing here,"   Conlon believes working non-stop throughout the year at a second property with intense expectations is helping him prepare not only for his next job at Burning Tree, but beyond in his quest to one day be a head superintendent.  
    I think I can honestly say this is the most valuable thing I've done in my career so far."
    "When you have the ability to manipulate greens, you can do anything on a golf course," he said.   "I think I can honestly say this is the most valuable thing I've done in my career so far."   Peterson believes in today's tight job market that others could benefit from the same career choice that Conlon has made.   "Brian taking the opportunity to come down here shows that he's really focused on developing as much as he can and is hungry to succeed," Peterson said.    "Instead of sitting in the Northeast all winter not working he chose to come down here to grow and keep working. He has had the opportunity to see a different course and will pick up tons of useful tricks and tips. Some things are local to this course, but some things he will carry with him for the rest of his career. Brain has seen how we can produce incredible playing conditions in a different environment than he is used to. This will set him apart from the average Joe back home. You can't name one thing that would be a negative from the opportunity he pursued."  
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