Hunter Industries recently launched its new MP800SR360, a short radius version of its MP Rotator. The MP800SR360 offers 360-degree full-circle distribution and features rotating streams of water applied at a slower rate to conserve water and prevent runoff. The new rotator reaches radius settings as low as 6 feet and can reach up to 12 feet. The precipitation rate remains matched across all arc and radius settings at approximately 0.8 inches per hour. This new addition to the MP Rotator family boasts all of the features and benefits of the current MP Rotator line, including high distribution uniformity, wind-resistant streams, debris-resistant double-pop design, and construction with the highest quality materials available. BASF names new VP
BASF recently named Paul Rea as senior vice president of its North American crop protection unit. A native of New Zealand, Rea has held numerous positions at BASF since joining the company in Australia in 2001. He came to the United States three years later. Among his previous positions at BASF are director of the professional and specialty solutions division, and vice president of U.S. crop operations. Most recently, Rea was senior vice president of crop protection in BASF's Asia-Pacific division. Bayer fills SW Florida regional spot
Bayer Environmental Science named Max McGee as a regional sales manager. A former greenkeeper, he will be responsible for all turf and ornamental sales initiatives in the southwestern Florida region. McGee has strong agronomic experience in all aspects of golf course operations including his most recent position as assistant superintendent at the Hideout Golf Club in Naples, Florida. A Green Start Academy alum, McGee is a graduate of North Carolina State University.