Playbooks for Golf just made it easier for superintendents to communicate with golfers about hole-by-hole course conditions - without ever talking face to face.

"The reason we developed this simple and very-easy-to-use platform is because we have seen over and over again a lack of communication between golfers and the maintenance of the golf course," said Playbooks for Golf co-owner Greg Wojick. "First came postings in the locker room, then email blasts which transformed into blogs and twitter feeds. The problem with all of them is that they require the golfer to visit them on their own. In particular, maintenance blogs and Twitter have become more of a sharing environment between turf professionals, and golfers get left behind or not engaged. With Conditions, we take the critical course information straight to golfers' phones where they can easily see the entire operation, even hole by hole, in a great app format."
Once installed, the mobile app even can send notifications to specific user groups such as a green committee.
The superintendent is provided with a custom-built and easy-to-use content-management system where they can update anything about the course status at any time and is as easy as writing a text or tweet and guarantees the vast majority of golfers are in-the-know about the course as they play.
"People are now used to receiving multiple notifications or alerts on their phone daily and even hourly," said Playbooks for Golf other co-owner, Matt Leverich. "Instead of hoping you are reaching the target audience, you can be certain with Conditions."
Playbooks takes care of everything on the setup, including submitting to the app stores and populating the app with the course's custom content.