Rain Bird Services will conduct more than 20 irrigation-related workshops around the country during the next several months.
Training will follow two tracks: the Rain Bird Factory Trained program will train users on Rain Bird equipment only while the Rain Bird Academy will provide general irrigation training skills that are not manufacturer-specific. Both programs focus on professional level, non-commercial irrigation training and the latter is a boot camp-style program that in a matter of days teaches attendees to design and install their own irrigation systems.
Rain Bird Services also is offering five new Rain Bird Factory Trained courses aimed at light commercial irrigation users. This program includes the following educational tracks: Water Efficient Product Expert, Low Volume Technician, Drainage Technician, Decoder Installer and Residential Installer.
Rain Bird also offers customized training on location for those who are unable to travel to any of the sites listed.
Rain Bird Factory Trained dates and locations are: May 13-17, Apopka, Fla.; May 20-23, Tucson, Ariz.; May 28-30, Denver; June 10-14, Hollywood, Fla., and Apopka; June 17-21, Irvine, Calif.; June 24-28, San Diego; July 8-12, Sacramento, Calif.; July 15-19, Apopka; July 22-26, Santa Maria, Calif.; July 23-26, Tucson; July 29-Aug. 3, San Antonio; Aug. 5-8, Tucson; Aug. 5-9, North Carolina; Aug. 12-14, Tucson; Aug. 12-16, Dublin, Calif.; Aug. 19-23, Seattle; Aug. 26-30, Atlanta; Sept. 16-20, Tucson; Sept. 30-Oct. 3, Tucson.
Rain Bird Academy dates and locations are: May 13-17, Naples, Fla.; June 10-14, Los Angeles; June 10-14, Jacksonville, Fla.; June 17-21, South Carolina and Irvine, Calif.; June 24-28, San Diego and Gainesville, Fla.; July 8-12, Sacramento; July 15-19, Apopka; July 22-26, Columbus, Ohio; Aug. 5-9, Huntsville, Ala., and North Carolina; Aug. 12-16, Riverside and Dublin, Calif.; Aug. 19-23, Seattle; Aug. 26-30, Atlanta; Sept. 16-20, Tucson.