Smithfield Foods Inc. and Anuvia Plant Nutrients have reached a partnership to create sustainable fertilizer from all-biological materials.
Smithfield will supply Anuvia with renewable biological materials collected from manure treatment systems at Smithfield's hog farms throughout North Carolina. This project is part of Smithfield's efforts toward accelerating its carbon reduction while helping create renewable energy.
The project reuses organic matter found in hog manure to create a commercial-grade fertilizer that is higher in nutrient concentration than the original organic materials. End users thus are able to better manage nutrient ratios while using less fertilizer by applying precisely what they need. Because Anuvia's products contain organic matter, nutrient release is more controlled, resulting in reduced greenhouse gas emissions and a smaller environmental footprint.
Anuvia will utilize remnant solids from Smithfield that accumulate over time at the bottom of the anaerobic lagoons, basins designed and certified to treat and store the manure on hog farms, and to manufacture and sell commercial-grade fertilizer products.