Count Syngenta among the latest group to delve into that field.
During the show, Syngenta launched the GreenCast Turf App that makes calculating sprank tank mixtures easier than ever.
Users simply define the area to be treated, product information, spray tank size and volume and sprayer speed in mph and the Greencast mobile app does the rest, and develops a specific spray program, including how much water to add to the tank.
Available for Apple and Android devices, including smartphones and tablets, the mobile app tracks usage, keeps and maintains records, generates reports and helps users navigate the road toward sustainability.
"We recognize the importance of precise tank-mixing and product rates for optimized application as well as environmental stewardship," said Stephanie Schwenke, turf market manager at Syngenta. "This new app simplifies communication and application planning through accurate tank-mixing calculations. These plans can be easily saved and shared with your applicators in English or Spanish."
Tank-mix plan reports can be shared in multiple file formats including PDF and CSV. They also are saved within the application for easy record keeping. These reports include information required by government agencies, including date and time of applications, driving speed, weather conditions during the applications, nozzle details, active ingredients used, quantity and more.
A Spanish-language version of the app also is available to help reduce the risk of errors or misinterpretation of verbal or written instructions.
To download the app, please visit the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.