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John Reitman

By John Reitman

University of Tennessee updates Mobile Weed Manual


To help professional turf managers stay up to date in their efforts to combat troublesome weeds, the Weed Diagnostics Center at the University of Tennessee has updated its Mobile Weed Manual.

Developed to "assist turfgrass managers with developing effective weed management programs" includes the latest information on weeds and the products used to control them, including label updates.

The site includes a search function that allows users to select from pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide products.

Users also can search for products by selecting weed types. The tool even allows users to select from broadleaf or grassy weeds or kyllingas or sedges, or by selecting from among any of 126 specific weed species.

The manual can be used on Apple and Android devices and is desktop compatible.

Edited by John Reitman

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