Mike Ventola, coordinator of the turfgrass management program at Sandhills Community College in Pinehurst, North Carolina, will tackle that subject on Nov. 29 during a TurfNet University Webinar entitled "Interns: How to Attract and Manage Them.
In the upcoming seminar, Ventola, who has been managing the employer-intern relationship at Sandhills since 1999, will share what he knows to help golf course superintendents attract a quality intern and manage a productive internship for both parties.
The presentation is one of over 20 that TurfNet produces each year along with presenting sponsors BASF, Grigg Brothers and Jacobsen.
All live broadcasts, which begin at 1 p.m. eastern, can be accessed here. Even if you've missed one, archived recordings of each event are available for on-demand viewing anytime and anywhere an Internet connective is available. TurfNet members can access all archived webinars (you must be logged into your TurfNet account) by clicking on the Archived Events selection under the Webinars tab on the TurfNet homepage. That is access to hundreds of recordings of university-level education for an investment of $195.
Non-members can view a few selected recordings, as well, by clicking on the Free Archived Events option under the Webinars tab on the TurfNet homepage.
On-demand access to archived webinars is just one of many benefits of TurfNet membership. Other benefits include access to the members-only Forum as well as unlimited used equipment and job listings... all for $195 per year.
You don't need a university professor to recognize that is a good deal.