Many cities have set or are close to setting records for cold temperatures or snowfall, or both. Partial thaws followed by cycles of refreezing, freezing rain and more snow (often all in the same day) have resulted in turf under ice for up to two months in some areas. In areas where snow has been scarce, freezing temperatures and high winds have created other problems, such as desiccation.
To help superintendents manage through the effects of the winter of 2013-14, TurfNet, Aquatrols and Grigg Brothers are presenting #WorstWinterEver, a three-person Webinar by Kevin Frank, Ph.D., of Michigan State, Bill Kreuser, Ph.D., of the University of Nebraska and Frank S. Rossi, Ph.D., of Cornell.
This 90-minute presentation (GCSAA-approved CEUs are pending) will include information on the threat of ice damage and desiccation, why plants die under winter stress, preventive strategies and options for recovery heading into this year's playing season.
Click here for more information or to reserve your seat.