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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    EW Podcast: Warm or cool season, the soil has to breathe! ~ Adam Miller

      Original Publish Date: 01/26/2023

    adam_miller_th.jpgAdam Miller, the Director of Agronomy at Berkeley Hall Golf Club in Bluffton, South Carolina, started his career working with warm season grasses in South Carolina. He then spent a number of years in the Mid Atlantic working with cool season grasses before returning to South Carolina. Adam has been a “soils guy” most of his professional career and is known for his line “the soil has to breathe!”

    In this EW Podcast, Joel Simmons and Adam talked about the transition from cool to warm season grasses and the challenges and differences that poses to a superintendent. They also discussed soils and what he found when he arrived at Berkeley Hall. His soils range from sand capped fairways to dense “Pluff Mud” which is really a gumbo type heavy soil. In South Carolina, where it can rain heavily throughout the summer, a heavy tight soil has drainage challenges making growing grass in that hot climate difficult.

    Adam also shared the challenges of managing dormant warm season grasses through the winter months when play is at its heaviest. The conversation with Adam was full of great stories and agronomic advice, well worth the listen!

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